Unwanted Caller pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"I said, get out."

Batman growled. "What were you doing at Ace Chemicals last night?"

"Nothing illegal," Alex answered shortly.

"But you were there when Ace Chemicals blew?" he interrogated.

Alex nodded.

"What happened? Why didn't you get out of there? And why did you leave your Jeep and not go to the police?"

"Slow your roll detective, one question at a time!" Alex exclaimed. "You have no right coming in and questioning me like this. Come back when you have a warrant. Oh wait, you don't get those."

"I am the warrant," Batman sneered.

Alex scoffed. "Not legally you aren't. So get out! Shoo, scram! Vamanos!" she exclaimed.

Batman realized that he wasn't going to get anything else out of her, so he went over the window. "This isn't over," he grumbled before jumping out.

"Ugh. His rude ass couldn't even close the window," she muttered, getting up to do it herself.


The following morning, Alex was in the middle of making breakfast when she heard some police sirens from outside. She didn't need her enhanced hearing, her windows were open. She went to her balcony to check, but the cars blew right past her building. She breathed a sigh of relief when she noticed another car pull up to the building. She squinted and her vision sharpened so she could make out the letters on the hood.


Alex froze as two detectives got out, along with an officer. One of the detectives she recognized as Bullock.

"Shit!" she exclaimed, rushing back inside. As fast as she could, she scrapped her breakfast and crammed the dishes in the dishwasher to make it look like she wasn't home. She turned the lights off and febreezed the crap out of every room. Then, she heard the elevator ding.

"Fuck you Ken, you couldnt've held them off any longer!" she whispered to herself, darting into the library. She squeezed herself between some of the pipes in the organ and prayed that the detectives wouldn't think to look there.

Then, Alex waited, turning on her enhanced hearing.

"She's gotta be in here somewhere."

"I don't know, the place looks deserted."

"She's the wife of a sick criminal, she knows what she's doing."

"I don't know boss, she-"


'Fuck,' Alex said inwardly. She forgot to turn off the oven. The sound rang around in her head, teasing her.

"She's got to be here!"

"I told you! You, search upstairs. You, the living room and balconies. I'll search these rooms over here."

Alex gasped and held her breath as she heard the door to the library creak open. Through a small gap in the pipes, she saw the rotund detective Bullock saunter into the room.

"Hello, Crane. If you're in here, come out now, and no one will get hurt."

He checked behind some chairs and under the table.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." he crooned, peeking behind some shelves.

"Hmmm... an organ? Of course, that boojee little Scarecrow would own an organ. How impractical. I mean, what if you have to move? You can't move this." He remarked.

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