I don't want him to let go. I never want him to let go. No matter how hard breathing gets.

My entire body feels hot like a volcano and my heart beats in my head. It was unbearable, but so good at the same time.

After a long time, he lets me go and bites his lower lip a little, his lips were red like strawberries, and mine hurt a little.

"You're my girlfriend. That's it. That's the conversation." He says softly.

"You're my girlfriend and I will never let you go. I will always treat you right and I will always be there for you. Just like you will always be there for me." He confesses. His voice a little hoarse, making him even hotter.


Note to people : I never went to Barcelona so the places I write do not exist. I did some research to see if I could use a real countryside but I felt like sticking to my imaginary place more.


After a few hours of being in the car, we finally stop by a village and Pedri makes his way towards a pastry.

"Want to come in ?" He asks, stretching his arms.

"Why are we here ?" I ask.

"They make the best desserts I ever tasted. It's a family to family little pastry. Well known in the village but, well, not in Barcelona, obviously." He explains excitedly. He must love this little bakery.

"Are you hungry ?" I ask now.

"It's for our date." He corrects. "My spot is half an hour away from here. We're almost there."

I nodd and as I look around, my eyes wander to the cloth shop on the other side of the road.

"Let's go there first." I say while pointing towards the shop. He is surprised, but follows me without complaining

We get in the shop and an old woman greets us. We greet her back and I start to look around immediately.

"Do you like anything you see ?" He asks again.

"Yes. For you." My hands going through one cloth to another.

He is surprised- and he likes it. He likes it that I search clothes for him.

"Why are you always wearing skinny jeans ?" I ask as I get my hands on some pants. Pants. Pedri in a pair of black pants. Hot.

"Not always. But I like them. Why ?"

"Pants would look amazing on you. I know thousands of your fans want you to drop the skinny jeans."

I tried to make myself look good for him, and he came in everyday clothes. I didn't want him to show up in a suit, but still. I guess he is a guy after all.

"Try that." I shove the pants to his chest.

"Yes ma'am." He answers as if he had received an order.

He goes in the cabins, and when he comes out I find him breathtaking.

It.is.only.pants. so why do I find him so hot in them ? Why is the minimal effort enough with guys to make them hot ? It's unfair.

Fuck. Pedri is breath taking hot.

"You look like you are on fire. I love that expression on you." He teases.

"...will you buy them ?" I try to change the conversation.

"After seeing the look on your face ? It would be a crime not to buy them."

He, like some cliché romance tv show male leader, took 50€ out of his jacket, said 'keep the change' to the kind lady and walked out of the store with the pants on. It was a small store so there was no noise when going out, and he simply threw the price tag off.

We then went to the bakery and bought éclaires, croissants, some cakes and left.


After half an hour, we finally arrived to his dearest spot and he got out of the car first and told me to stay where I am.

He went to my door, opened it, unbuckled my seat and took me in his arms, carrying me princess style as I yelled of surprise and laughed.

I put my arms around his neck and he walked towards a tree on a small hill.

"This, is my spot." He says while letting me go. We were on a small hill with a giant tree in the middle, having a magnificient view towards a rainbow field of tulips, shining under the sun.

"This is... beautiful..." I say, words not enough to describe how much I love it.

"Glad you like it." He gives me a long kiss on the cheek and holds me by the waist.

We talked, ate, laughed and kissed on our small hill until the sun came down.

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