25. who is she ?

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"Do not try to make me feel jealous, sweetheart. It doesn't suit you." He starts to blink again, the anger gone, he understood I said all of this to see him in this state.

"Is that so ? I will go next to Diego then. I think he would like to see me try to make him jealous, he might find it challenging ? We all like some challenge."

"I will stay by his side, I will hold his hand.. I will brush his cheek... thank him for coming here. 'See you tomorrow at work ! Is how I will end it, with a smile on my face, excited for the next day to come."

"Will you ?" He responds, grinning.

He reached my hand and hold it tightly.

"Is this what you will do ?"

His other hand brushed my cheeks for a small moment, barely touching my skin.

"Is this how you will do ? But you won’t do that, will you ?"

"You can't. Because Diego isn't the one you want to stroke the cheek to."

I couldn't stop looking at him. I should tell him he is wrong, but he isn't.

"And will you go to his place, since it's dark out ? Will you eat something, watch a movie and end the date with a kiss ?"

"I will not, since this is not a date with Diego. I am not like this. Diego and I ? No. Not diego. Diego and I-"

The hand that caressed my cheek seconds ago now went on my jaw, holding tightly, almost hurting. The distance between us narrowed down to inches.

Our lips aren't touching, but our noses brushed each other.

An effective way to make me shut up.

''Stop, saying this guy's name with that sweet voice for god's fucking sake. I'm going insane. Losing the match plus seeing with that bastard makes me want to break everything and lose control." The sound of his voice isn't loud at all since we are so close to each other, I can hear any murmur he lets out at this distance.

I move one feet, and we kiss. I approach by one move, and it's a kiss. He leans just slightly, for a short second, and it's a kiss.

Our faces brushed each other’s and yet there’s this wall neither of us dares to trespass.

"Was this what you wanted from me ? You wanted me mad ? You wanted to see how jealous I could be for you ? Are you pleased now ?"

Our eye contact never broke ever since he dragged me to the wall. I was incapable of looking away. I am drawn to him. So much that its hurts.

"Oh, poor thing." He lets out of nowhere.

"Is my ex not over me ?" Now it was his turn to smile.

I flinched a bit to the words. The way he said ex the 1st time hurt me a little bit, but I am starting to think it sounds really hot. There’s something in the way he says it that makes it special.

"Pedri ?" A girl's voice asked in the hall next to ours.

The sudden voice made me instinctively push him away, and he woke up from what was happening between us, what almost happened between us.

I saw him grunt in a pissed off way and we went out of the hall together.

The girl appeared before us and looked very confused.

She looked at first Pedri and then me.

I received many looks from her.

The first look asked "who the hell are you ?" With frowning eyebrows, and the second gaze looked pissed off, wondering why am I, a girl she never saw or heard of before, appearing with Pedri out of nowhere.

"Who is she ?" She asks to Pedri.

I don't know who this girl is, but he doesn't look very happy to be found out by her, or is it to be found out with me that he doesn't like ?

"Nice to meet you." I told the girl and left them both there. I will go back to Diego so that we can finally leave this place.

I saw that girl before.

She is the one the paparazzis suspected of being Pedri's new girlfriend.

Don't regret thisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora