29. some people are just this damn lucky. ugh.

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"I'm so glad we could sit just before the match starts. I would do anything to not think about my life right now. Any way of running away from my feelings and problems is a good way." Says Bessie with her salted popcorn and pepsi in her hands.

"It's not that bad."

"Oh believe me, I would rather the biggest problem in my life being to be in love with some football player who I dated than what I live. You have no right to talk about which's worse."

"You're mean. You are the one who forced me to come here. I didn't want to."

"Shut up. Please. I cant stand you acting like some wattpad mc who is mad over nothing anymore. Get a grip."

"Bitch, you're not the one who's telling me this, right ? You get annoyed and mad over little things, you are very easely jealous, possessive, angry. YOU have no right to tell me i act like some dumbfuck wattpad mc."

"Whatever. The match started already so let's watch it." She says sipping her pepsi.

Some guys are coming to sit on the chairs next to mine and leave a chair apart between us. The match started 10 minutes ago, and they only come now ?

"Hello." says the dude with a cap turned towards the back. A bag of dorritos in his hands.

"You girls root for barcelona too?"

"Yeah." I answer, taking a handful of Bessie's popcorn.

"Great ! Us too !"

"The match started a few minutes ago so we should keep our voices down."  I say, hiding my mouth with my hand because of the popcorn.

"Yeah. You're right."

"...In the match before this one, people fouled Pedri a lot." Says cap guy.

Apparently he is the social and talkative type. I forget some people lile to talk to strangers since Bessie hates people.

She is uncomfortable around people who aren't her friends, she is kind of introverted in a 'I would rather stay home all day than go outside' typa way and she is more or less antisocial. If there's too many humans in one place she goes 'ugh. People.'

"He fell a lot last time. I was so angry. I kept saying 'stop hurting him', couldn't stand it anymore. They kept fouling him, all the time !"

In my original plan, I was going to call Pedri again after talking to Gavi. But I didn't dare talk to him after that.

Because I know that woman lives in his house. It made the news.

'A woman is seen to be living in Pedri's house for the past week !' I heard about it everyday.

If he loves that girl so much that he lives with her, then okay, I will never call him again !

"I've been a barca fan for 4 years now." Says cap guy. "What about you ?"

"Around 2 years I would say."

B was too much into the match and in her own thoughts. She didn't spot me talking to the guy.

"Don't move." Says cap guy out of nowhere, staring into my hair.

"Why ?"

"There’s a wasp right next to you."

"What ?!" I shout and shake my head, suspecting it's in my hair and that's why he was staring at it.

"Dont ! It might stab you. I got stung by a wasp before and it hurt like hell."

He sat on the chair near mine and brought slowly his hand near my hair.

"It's resting in your hair, it's crazy."

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