6. after the fall

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I put my hands on his shoulders to get up swiftly.

"Oh my god thank you so much ! I'm so sorry, are you okay ? Did you hurt your second knee ? It must be drenched with coffee...!"

I took some of the tissues on the table nearby and tried to dry his clothes. Obviously there was a huge stain on his skinny black jeans.

"I'm so glad the jeans are black, people won't see the stain very well unless they stare into it... again, thank you so much..."

"It's okay... it was my choice to save you so you don't have to say sorry so much."

I know that but I still feel guilty.

"I promise, the next time you leave without taking your money back I will just call you from afar and if you don't hear me I will keep the money."

A small chuckle could be heard from him.

"If you say so."

One of my colleagues rushed to my side.

"Hey, are you okay ? Did you forget about the coffee on the ground ? Seriously... be more careful !"

It was Diego. I have been working with him for a month now. I have neutral feelings about him. I don't like him but I don't not like him.

I pointed at the masked guy's knee.

"His knee is hurt because of me. You don't have to make me feel even more guilty."

Sure I acted stupidly, but are we friends ? Who are you to tell me to be careful ?

Diego looked towards our customer's knee and gave a 'he doesn't look that hurt' look.

"Are you okay sir ? Do you need anything ?" Diego finally asked (he should have asked this right away before nagging me.)

"I'm okay. The coffee was a bit hot but I didn't cut myself."

He was looking at me while answering Diego.

"Don't worry."

"I will take care of the customer."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have to leave..."

"Will you be okay ?"

"You're really worried about nothing." Said the masked guy before leaving.

Diego looked at me for a second and said he will clean the coffee and the mug's pieces.

"Thanks. Yeah, we should get back to work now, shouldn't we."


The café is about to close now so we are cleaning the tables with Diego.

"What did you do yesterday ?" Asked Diego. "Personally I watched the match."

"Oh yeah ? Well I saw the match."

"Really ? That's great."

"I know right ? I was so happy, I'm going to the next one too !"

"Wow, hey, what if we went together ?"

"The two of us going to the match ?"

"Yeah, you and me. We both like football and know each other. It could be fun !"

I thought about it for a moment before giving a concrete answer. I don't know Diego well... he could be a serial killer... but I would be less anxious to go there with a guy I know than going alone... maybe Diego will turn out to be a great guy.

"Okay. Let's do it."

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