8. the 2nd match day part 2

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The match started and we are midway in. None of the players made a goal yet.

I wanted to give my full attention to Pedri but Diego always wanted to talk with me instead of watching.

"You look great today. Your look is more casual, you always wear a shirt and pants at work."

"As I should. It's my work. Should I go to work with a crop top ?"

"No, but..."

He looked around for a little bit.

"You see the ginger head 2 rows beneath ?"

"Yes, what about her ?"

"I made out with her last week at a party."

I stared at him dead in the eye.

"Why would I care ?"

"I pulled a girl like that, it means I'm very hot, right ?"

I rolled my eyes.

Every girl has a different type. You may be hot to her but you look okay to me.

I could feel his eyes staring at me even if I didn't directly look.

"Are you even watching the game ?"

I dont think you do. I couldn't watch it because of you talking so obviously you didn't watch it either.

Diego put his arm around me and started to touch my hair.

"Come on don't be like that. I'm so nice to you and you keep being mean."

The distance between us is getting a bit closer than before. Is he interested in me or something ?

"If you weren't going to watch the game you shouldn't have come." I said, smiling because I know he is the type to flirt. He is playing around that's all.

"I wanted to watch the game but i like watching you more. You're pretty."

"I don't like guys pretty talking when they don't mean it."

"Who says I don't mean it ? Can't I be genuinely interested in you ?"

"You can but I know you aren't. You always flirt with girls. And you like bragging about it."

"They're not you. You're not like the other girls."

I turned my face to him.

"Is that a compliment ?"

"It is."

"But I am like the other girls, and we are great. It's really not a compliment even if you wanted to be nice."

He touched and stroked my hair a bit more.

"I meant that you're pretty, and I like you, I even said I liked football to pass time with you. Won't you give me a chance ?"

I didn't expect this to happen. I don't even think he really likes me. Maybe he thinks he likes me because I'm not interested in him ? And if one day I am, he will not have feelings anymore.

Do I like him ? I don't, I don't think I do.

"I don't like you, I'm sorry. I don't know how to say it without hurting you. That is if you liked me."

"I see... but you don't seem to be sure you don't like me so if... if we kissed, you will know for sure, right ?"

"What ?"

The hand on my hair went to my cheek.

"Let me kiss you, and you will know if you like me."

But I'm pretty sure I don't like you.

He approached me slowly.

He's got some audacity, huh.

I was going to stop him before he could reach me, but...

Everything happened quickly.

Diego let me go, but not because he wanted to.

But because a fucking ball made him fall by kicking him in the chest.

How can a player even throw a ball here that wasn't on purpose ?

I looked back at the playground. Seeing the players's face turn to one guy, I understood who threw the ball.

Pedri. González. López.

Diego got back up after a few long seconds, looking very mad about getting hit in the chest.

No one cared. People asked him if he was alright, but when he said he was 'fine' they all went back to talking or doing something else.

It happens often for a player to send a ball where people are sitting by kicking it wrongly. The players received another ball and the match continued. It was only a big deal for Diego.

And me who saw that.

It might be my main character syndrome but it really felt like Diego got the ball threw at him on purpose. It hit him too well.

My mood is ruined. The guy I came with talked the whole match and ended up trying to kiss me. I didn't follow anything that happened in the match and now I imagine weird things about Pedri throwing a ball.

"Listen, I... I gotta go. See you in a few days at work. Bye."

I took the stairs and quit the stadium. I needed to leave this place.


Hi, it's my first time writing under a chapter because I don't want to break people's impression of  'being in the story'

But I pretty much changed 75% of Diego's character right now because

1. I felt bad for turning him into a villain like that. That wasn't what I wanted to do with him. I plan for Diego to play bigger roles in this story (not too big either, this story IS for Pedri.)

2. The chapter felt kinda rushed and I didn't like it.

By the way for the people who like the start of this story thank you so much, it's very touching.

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