Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

Start from the beginning

Rahim's eyes widened as much as his mouth did; he exercised great caution as he bent down to pet the new dragon as it forced its head into his palm. "Am I? D-did it...?"

"It chose you." Selena finished for him, her smile brightening up the room.

The fire dragon looked up at him and nuzzled its head into Rahim's hand. He couldn't stop beaming as he scooped up the hatchling in his arms, the blazing embers from its chest and wings only tickling against his skin. "I-I can't believe it—a dragon chose me."

General Araneus plopped a hand on his shoulder, watching with enthusiasm as the whelpling squirmed and chittered within Rahim's arms. "Now, you have your very own dragon. There are no more excuses for why you can't join the Force as my General Officer." Aracania bobbed her head up and down and gave a series of clicks and chirps in approval.

Everyone laughed but stopped when the water dragonet made its way towards Kain and Maria, its curved talons clicking against the stone floor. The group waited in anticipation as it smelled Kain, and then the baby stood on its haunches, thumping its tail against the floor with its large eyes fixated on the vampire lord. Kain stepped back; the dragon followed his movements and mimicked him when he tilted his head before chirping and climbing up his leg and chest to be held.

Unsure of the hatchling's decision, Kain stretched his arm, allowing the whelpling to attach itself, scrambling to his shoulder before establishing eye contact. "Oh, for fuck's sake. I don't believe I'm the best choice." It stared at him with its chilling eyes without blinking. At that moment, Kain closed his and nodded before bursting out laughing. "I can't believe this. Me? A dragon rider, and for the Mythic Flight, no doubt. You know what?" His eyes snapped open, and he lowered his face down to meet the hatchling's as it inched its nose closer. "Why in Oblivion not?" The dragon ruffled in place as it completely unfurled its wings, chattering and purring. Selena was pleasantly surprised to see how much Kain could smile, and his bliss was contagious; Maria shared his joy, and the two came for an embrace with the whelpling trapped in the middle. "I don't know what Vyrilion will think."

"I'll take care of Vyrilion. I'm sure he would understand." Maria laughed, reaching out to stroke the new hatchling as it twittered from her touch.

However, the group was interrupted when they heard Kiba's sudden growls and snarls—even Maru was surprised. The She-Wolf had her eyes fixed upon the earth dragon that approached and sniffed her with no introduction. Apparently, Kiba took it offensively, yet, the hatchling remained unfazed by her hostility but rather curious about her nature. The whelpling sat down upon satisfying its curiosity, flickering its weapon tail and scraping it across the floor.

Selena was unsure if Kiba fully understood the situation and her new position; the She-Wolf crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head as she squinted at the gleeful creature. "It's a curious little dragon, isn't it?" She bit her lip, bent over, and placed a hand on the hatchling's head as it perked up and sniffed her fingers; it pushed its muzzle further into her palm and extended its six-spined wings, billowing dust and pebbles from every motion made. "I like you. An earth dragon? I've never seen one like you before, but I'll show you a thing or two about the earth." The whelpling ignored Maru—silent as usual while stepping forward to sniff the creature—and rushed over to head-butt Kiba in the leg. Despite its massive weight, the She-Wolf stood her ground, bellowing with laughter as she took the blow. "I think we're going to be best friends."

While the group was distracted, the air dragon vanished in a bolt of lightning, followed by a burning smell that always followed an extinguished candle. Among their frantic search for the hatchling, when Silver spun on his toes, the whelpling reappeared on his right shoulder, wings completely unfolded as it balanced itself by latching its talons to his jacket, wisps of lightning sparks tickling his skin. "Very interesting. Never in my years have I imagined...." He reached up to pet the dragon as it chirped and rubbed its head against his cheek. "I've never sought out a dragon's companionship, as I could change into one whenever I desired."

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