Chapter 2: The Library

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Selena's eyes fluttered open. With her head feeling light and dizzy, she found herself cradled by two colossal, scaly arms, and her eyes stung with tears when she saw Thor's large snout lying next to her side. From her vision, the beautiful crimson and golden dragon looked the same, and she began doubting if she was indeed back or if her mind was playing another trick on her.

When she reached to touch his gemstone hide, his beautiful voice returned to her. Please, wake up.

Afraid he was another hallucination, Selena's fingers trembled across his shiny scales, and her face gleamed like the morning sun. I'm here.

Thor's breaths quickened as he whipped his head around and pressed his nose into her abdomen. Then, without warning, he licked her—his tongue slippery and slimy, like a snake's. She pushed him away, but Thor, being much stronger, remained where he was, the forked ends tickling her cheek.

Stop that.

You have no idea how happy I am that you finally woke up. Now, you have to deal with me. Instead of arguing, Selena laughed. What's so funny?

I'm finally awake. I'm not hallucinating you.

What do you mean? As she explained her dreams, Selena felt relieved to see him act as he should, reassuring her she was no longer feverish. When she finished, Thor's lips curled over his fangs, and he growled. I can assure you that I'm as real as the sunrise. I've waited two weeks to see you as so much as stir.

I heard you and Silver; you two wouldn't stop telling me to wake up, but two weeks? Not believing it to be possible, her legs suddenly turned to rubber, and her stomach sank the more she considered the nightmares and dreams that plagued her during her unconscious stupor.

We hoped you would pull through if you heard our voices—I worried you would never wake.

After sharing affections, she pleaded for Thor to remove his paw so she could sit. When he did, Selena saw they were in a pavilion fit for a dragon—sitting on golden wood tiles emitting a comfortable heat within the confines, though it had no walls, catching dawn's bright ways. Two massive columns with her boots and Dragonheart leaning against the structure streaked with gold across the white marble stood post to the entrance, sparkling and burning under the morning sun.

After her eyes fully adjusted, Selena seized the chance to admire the decoration upon the ceiling, painted and enameled in brilliant rainbow colors and dazzling gilt. The roof soared high enough overhead to touch the heavens: Thor would have neither issues nor difficulties coming underneath. A flickering blood-red shimmer sparkled across his diamond scales as flecks of crimson and purple light reflected from his brilliant hide glimmered about the pavilion; together, they were like heaped mounds of treasure.

Where are we?

We're near Heaven's Tear by Silver's library.

Her head buzzed in inquiry as she wondered how it fared to Dragonstone Estate—Silver's massive property in Alfheim. She wanted to see what treasured tomes and secrets hid within; only the Divines knew the glory of what awaited. When she strained her neck to look beyond the marble columns, she only caught a glimmer of stone before collapsing again.

Sighing and resolving that she would visit his library in a short while, she found herself still wearing the same clothes from when she and her friends were in Snowhaven but was shocked to see the freshly mended clean fabric of spider silk and Royal Tidalwalker dragon scales. The sleeveless blue dress clad in gold trimmings, charcoal grey scarf, and blue elbow-length gloves were a gift from Silver, made to withstand melee and magical attacks.

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