Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale

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While Silver and Rahim discussed when the group should meet with Ulrich, Selena separated herself. She followed the weaving mountain's pathway, slithering through deep opulence, leaving Thor behind at his pavilion. Growing angry for leaving him so suddenly, Thor dashed from the marble archway to chase her down, his thoughts stinging at her like a thorn throbbing from her side. Where are you going?


Please tell me that you are coming back soon.


He didn't like her one-word answers. Growing uncomfortable, he took flight above the sea of pines to hunt her down, ignoring her careless and reckless behavior as she sought solace to mend her shattered heart; yet, her parents' abandonment reopened the wounds.

She disappeared through the thick pine lush, her steps crunching the old snow that had arrived the evening before. A shadow of a dragon shot through the heavens, and Selena guessed that Silver's sister was returning to meet with Thor; as much as she didn't want to admit it, the stinging pain of jealousy returned.

Selena hated that Thor could read her mind when she wanted solitude; he continued pestering her. Ebony and I are coming to find you.

I don't care.

Yes, you do, and besides, you owe her a duel.

Selena huffed as she leaned against a tree and looked at the sun-filled sky. This daylight may be the last time they would see the clear heavens for a while, as the gesturing winter storms would continue to worsen in the days to come. She chuckled at the fact that she couldn't be happy when the world seemed to be.

Her vision grew blurry, and pain erupted across her back once more, but it returned worse than before. Selena convulsed as she fell to her knees and vomited tremendously over the open ground before her, leaving an acrid stinking mess.

What happened?

I'm fine. Selena wiped the bile from her trembling lips, and the urge to retch made her hurl stomach acid. After a few dry heaves, she finally caught her breath, leaving her throat burning and sore.

No, you're not—you're ill. I'm coming for you now.

Please, I'll be okay. Selena forced herself to her feet, but she stumbled backwards and sat against the tree while careful not to touch her disgusting puddle of body waste. The pain eased, only to flare up again after a few seconds.

Yet, holding in her stomach contents, she stood up as she saw two dragons circling above her, the gale from their wings bending the trees. Thor dove and touched down beside her, ground quivering from his landing, with Dragonheart dangling from his claws. Through her still blurred vision, she looked upon him in admiration of his massive size and the rainbows shimmering from his ruby scales, contrasting the deep hue from his harness sapphire. His strength wasn't exaggerated, as his mass was comparable to a twenty-gun first-rate ship.

Ebony followed his example and landed beside him, her smooth onyx hide glimmering in the sunlight. She transformed to her black-suited guise after Selena retrieved Dragonheart from Thor, pulled out a vial hiding in an inside pocket, and handed it to Selena in the mid strut. Selena watched the azure liquid swish within the glass as she held it to her face; she was used to Silver's many elixirs he had offered to her, but she was ashamed not to trust his sister. "What is this?" she asked Ebony.

"I believe you're familiar with this sort of brew, though its coloration may not be the same: it's a potion of stamina restoration. Though I'm not as proficient as my brother, I've been practicing my alchemy, and I pulled this from my private selection when Thor told me you were ill. It will help you feel better."

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