Yellow Behaviour

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How to Recognize Someone Whose Head Is in the Clouds and Get Him Back to Reality Again "That Sounds Fun! Let Me Do It!"

In the Hippocratic world, we have now come to the sanguine person. What other words can be used to describe him? Optimistic and cheerful, a person with a bright outlook on life. The thesaurus even suggests the epithet a man of possibilities ... how about that? It is, in fact, an excellent description of Yellow behaviour. These are people who live to live, always finding opportunities for enjoyment. Life is a banquet, and Yellows will see to it that they savour every bite. They are driven by merriment and laughter. And why not? The sun is always shining somewhere.

Do you know anyone who sees sunshine where others see dark clouds? Have you met anyone who can laugh even though he hasn't had any good news for months? Then you've met a Yellow. Have you been at a party and wondered why everyone flocks around a particular person, man or woman? Well, in the centre of the circle there's a Yellow, entertaining anyone who wants to laugh. Yellows make sure that the atmosphere is at its zenith so that every event becomes a marvellous party. When something is no longer fun, they move on to another place where the atmosphere is better.

Recognizing a Yellow is easy. He's the one who's talking all the time. He's the one who gives answers rather than asking questions -often answering questions that no one has even asked. He answers a question by telling a story that may or may not have anything to do with the issue. But it really doesn't matter, because he will put you in a cheerful mood. Besides, his unshakably positive attitude also makes it impossible for you to feel upset for long.

I would even go so far as to argue that Yellows are more popular than other colours. How can I say that? Look for yourself. They entertain, put people in a good mood, and fun things always happen around them. They know how to capture everyone's attention and how to keep it. They make us feel important. They are just nice to be around.

They are also very typically touchy-feely people. Like Reds, Yellows are very willing to make quick decisions, but they can rarely explain why using rational reasoning. A more likely response would be, "It just felt right." And sure, gut feelings shouldn't be underestimated. Studies have shown that gut feelings are right more often than we think. But that's not the kind of gut feeling we're talking about here. Yellows often make decisions that are based on feeling simply because no thought was ever involved.

I have a cousin who is Yellow. Fatima is so easy-going in her manner that I have never heard anyone utter a single negative word about her. Never. I may be biased, but I have never met anyone who doesn't immediately like her. She has an entirely unique ability to connect with every person she meets.

Fatima always has something entertaining to say. However, some of these things are so peculiar that I sometimes have to ask her what she was thinking when she said them. With a burst of laughter, she usually replies, "Thinking? I wasn't!".

If I say to my cousin, "It looks like it is going to rain," she simply replies, "I can't imagine that." Pointing to the window, I say to her, "But look, it's actually raining. It is quite dark out there; we could have thunder before this is over." "Sure," she says, "but after that the sun will come out! Just wait and see." Then she laughs. Again. While the rain pours outside, she sits on the sofa, unabashedly having fun. And I, along with everyone else, laugh along because it's impossible to resist.

"The More the Merrier! Your Friends Are My Friends. ..."

People with lots of Yellow in their behaviour are focused on creating relationships. They are outgoing and can be extremely persuasive. They're enthusiastic, excited, and happy to talk about their feelings for others and, not infrequently, for complete strangers.

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