Life Goes On

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Grian's Perspective-

Grian nervously got dressed and his things ready for school the next day, shaking.

As he walked out, he opened up the pantry and leaned down to grab a box of cereal.

"Hey Grian!"

Grian gasped and bonked his head on the shelf above him.

He quickly looked over his shoulder and saw his mother.

"Er- you alright?" She asked.

"Y-yeah!" Grian said, putting on a smile.

She narrowed her eyes but shrugged and walked over to her coffee maker.

Grian took a deep breath as he poured the cereal into the bowl before pouring milk in as well.

He sat down and started eating his breakfast.

"So Grian, dear, I have a meeting tonight so dad's going to pick you up from school."

Grian nodded, "Okay."

She looked at Grian up and down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep!" Grian answered a bit too quickly.

She was about to ask something else when Grian's sister walked in and yawned.

"Sup guys." Pearl said.

They stretched and yawned as they grabbed a slice of bread and threw it in the toaster.

"Pearl, your father's going to pick you up from school today." Grian's mother said.

"Got it." Pearl said lazily.

Their mother sighed.

"I need to go get my stuff, you two eat breakfast and grab your backpacks."

She then left.

Pearl grabbed a soda from the fridge and opened it up, drinking it while looking at their brother, who was looking at his hand.

"What's up? You daydreaming about Mumbo and Scar?" Pearl joked and Grian rolled his eyes.

"Sure." He said.

Pearl narrowed their eyes.

"Okay, seriously though, something's wrong, what is it?"


"Is something on your hand?" Pearl asked, grabbing Grian's right arm.

"NO!" Grian shouted, moving it away quickly.

Pearl raised an eyebrow.

"What. Happened." They asked sternly.

Grian gulped.

"N-nothing I just- I scratched myself earlier and it just hurts."

Pearl didn't look convinced, but they didn't have a chance to ask Grian about it because their mother walked in and rushed them to the car to take them to school.


"Remember, your dad's picking you up!" She called before driving off.

Grian sighed and he looked at his hand.

"You sure it's just a scratch?" Pearl asked.

Grian hesitated and nodded.


They split up as they walked to their classes and Grian started to get a scary thought.

When I was split do I know I'

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