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"Sandy, listen to me! I will create a shock wave stronger than ever! Summon a sandstorm just like yesterday so I can get close enough to the swamp witch! When she's defeated, you shrink her and imprison her!"

"That wont work! If you get too close to her, she'll throw a tadpole at you! So fast it's impossible to dodge! I didn't even see it coming!"

"Sure, it's possible! I know what I must do, trust me!"

For a moment, Sandy just looked at Nita with the same look he gave her when she told him about her metabolic disease.

"OK," he said then. "Ready when you are!"

"Ready!" Nita called and seconds later everything disappeared in a powerful tornado of sand.

Nita stormed off in the direction in which she had just seen the witch. One hand protectively in front of her eyes while the other rummaged in her shoulder bag. Her fingers finally felt the plastic wrapper of the bar Penny had given her earlier. Nita knew the pink-haired girl meant well.

"I'm sorry," she sighed before ripping open the packaging and stuffing the bar into her mouth!

"Nita, what... NO!"

Shortly thereafter, a wobbly thing encased her head. She stood and waited for the pesky sandstorm to subside. As soon as she could see that annoying boy again, she would wipe him out once and for all! The fight had been fun and interesting, but now it was enough! Time to end this!

A disgusting taste formed in her mouth. What was she chewing on? It tasted awful! There, the storm cleared! She went into attack position, but the awful taste made her turn around again! She wouldn't attack Sandy! He was her friend! The witch was her opponent! With all her strength Nita concentrated on the disgusting sweet and sour taste in her mouth and ran the last few steps. Reaching the axolotl witch, she slammed her hands into the muddy forest floor.


The shock caused by the energy wave even knocked Nita herself off her feet. One last angry screech, one last worried scream, one last distant roar, then everything went black around them. Even blacker than it already was. Her head was pounding from the energy she had just mustered.

"Sorry," Nita mumbled again before finally losing consciousness. Hopefully, this gigantic pressure wave was enough.

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