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More waves of energy emanated from her fingers, directly onto the bear's body. This began to glow from within, as did Nita's eyes and bear's paw. Everything shone in rich turquoise. Wave after wave ripped through the bear's body, Bruce's wounds healed, the bleeding stopped, and even the deep crater became a black scar where an eye had once been.

"The power of the wilderness!"

The voice was more horrifying than any bitch screeching Nita had ever heard. The sound made all the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Just as she had taken her hands off Bruce to cover her ears, she was roughly pushed aside.

"Look out!"

Some kind of slime mutant thundered past only centimetres away from her. Last night's screeching could be heard again, just a lot louder! It came from the figure that Nita had only seen from the shadows for a long time, but now she could see it clearly and suddenly she knew again what kind of being it was!

Sandy stood protectively in front of her and threw... sand at the monster?! In fact, whenever he stretched out his hand, a wave of sharp grains of sand shot out. Either that or the sand magically formed in the air just in front of Sandy's hand, Nita couldn't tell. In any case, the jet of sand couldn't come out of his sleeves, because he was wearing his short-sleeved purple t-shirt from last night again.

Bruce stretched and immediately Nita's full attention was on him again. The bear shrank and shrank until there was only a small, auburn, one-eyed terrier lying on her lap, whining.

Only when more balls of slime hit the forest floor did the girl perceive her surroundings again - they were still in danger!

"We have to get out of here!" Sandy repeated his sentence from before. He took Nita's hand and this time Nita let him pull her along, holding terrier Bruce in the other arm, pressed tightly against her body. It was amazingly light and Sandy's hand amazingly soft.

They still heard hysterical giggles as they hid behind a broad tree. The figure approached with relish, ready to fire its special weapon. It stepped behind the tree...


...and found itself caught in a massive sandtornado you couldn't even see your hand in. The figure cried out in irritationand retreated into the thicket of the forest while two smaller and much lesssinister figures, one holding a dog, ran hand in hand towards the campsite.

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