Chapter 14 part I

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{a/n: Surprise everyone! I'll be updating the story today, so can I get some good luck from you? Thank you!}


Their mini party on the VIP room lasted until 1am, when Yoongi himself decided that they should call in a night before everyone would pass out from too much alcohol... Even the two handsome cosers had their fair share of drinks, as they were so happy to hang out with both Jimin and his best friend... Prior to Yoongi's decision to go home, the time they spend together is truly a great memory to cherish, as if the glaring fact that the two guys were  fighting over the beautiful girl didn't matter at all...
Jungkook isn't the type of person to feel bitter at that reality that he is an outcast on angel's circle of friends... As long as he is enjoying his time drinking his brandy while gawking at the beautiful "lady" dancing in front of him, then nothing else matter... Besides, Angel promised to spend time together after the convention, so he's more than fine with that. (Maybe they can go to an indoor hotspring together on their friendly date)
The way his eyes can't stop staring at the smaller, as Jimin sway his hips in the most erotic and sensual way, is already a miracle for him and his dick... As one might even consider "her" actions as provocative and intentional, like she is trying to charm her future lover in every way possible...

"How come she can act all innocent in front of me, but naughty to Weian and Hakken at the same time?!" Jungkook gritted his teeth while having an inner turmoil. "Just by looking at her actions, she is suggesting those dudes to take her! And don't get me started with that dress!! Ugh! Why did she choose that out of all her clothes? So frustrating!" The way he bit his lower lip and the huge frown on his face is enough signs that he is jealous on the very same reason.

What Jungkook shocked the most is the fact that he saw Weian stood up and walk closer to the beautiful lady and embrace her by the waist, giving her a kiss on her forehead... The two slow danced in front of everyone despite the fact that the music is loud and upbeat, not caring about the several pair of eyes watching them... At that moment, Jungkook saw how the smaller is glowing in so much happiness just by Weian's presence... They were staring at each other with those knowing smile that they only flashes in front of each other...
Wait— What the fuck is this throbbing pain in his chest?! He isn't jealous right? This is just a pace! A pace that he never felt before! That's right! Ha ha!
"I think I need another drink before we leave... This unknown emotion is getting out of hand that it's getting under my skin..." The taller grunts under his breath as he pour another shot of brandy in his glass and drank it straight after...

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