Chapter 2 - Some type of luck

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You heard a knock on the door, "Hey, I got a pizza here." They ordered pizza? What? You were behind the bar curtain listening in. All of a sudden, there was a smash and the wall behind spinner broke, All Might had smashed through. Kamui Woods had used his branches to capture the league members and Gran Torino, a veteran hero, knocked Dabi out. "Villains... There's no where to run to now..!" All Might said.

You covered your mouth to muffle the winces and slid down the wall. 'Is this it?' was all you could think. "..Because we are here!" You could barely hear the rest of the talking. The next thing you heard was your father tell you to bring the Nomu over here. Kurogiri apparently couldn't find them. 'What the hell? How much worse can this plan get?' suddenly a black gooish slime poured from your mouth and began wrapping around you like a tornado. You felt like you were flying or in space. You felt weightless and all you saw was black. The feeling came to an end and you could see again.

You were behind a big pile of rubble to hide you, but you could still see. You watched All For One blow All Might, who had just shown up on the scene, away. He forced Kurogiri to use his quirk to open a warp gate. He told your father to take Bakugo, the league and leave. The league fought with Bakugo, but your father appeared beside you. "Listen to me Y/n, I don't have time to go into specific details." He brought your head closer to his and whispered his plan into your ear. Your first mission. You nodded when he finished. "Do you think you can do all of that for me?" "I think I'm gonna give it my all and try!" You said confidently. "All right then. I'll see you again soon. I promise." He brought you in for a small and quick hug, which you accepted. Your father joined the battle once more.

You got from behind the rubble and tried running away. You were stopped by a pro hero on the scene. "Hey kid! It's not safe here. What the hell are you doing here?!" The tears started pouring from your eyes, "I dunno... All I remember is the bad man telling me to stay behind the curtain." "Hey, it's okay kid... I'll get you out of here." The hero took you to a place the battle hadn't affected yet. "Stay here." It had TV screens all around and people chattering everywhere. The tears poured out again as you became lost in the crowd. A green-haired boy bent down to your level. "Hey, are you alright?" "N-no... I dunno where thi-this place is..." "It's okay. Stick with me?" You nodded and he lifted you up to see the TV screen.

The smoke cleared and All Might's body looked frail and weak. Suddenly, everyone broke out cheering All Might's name and encouraging All Might to defeat the villain. The fight progressed and got more intense by the second. You don't know when, but you ended up falling asleep on the green boy.


You woke up in a strange room you hadn't seen before. You looked around, the room was practically covered in All Might posters. Every surface was covered with an All Might figure. You stepped out of bed and looked around. You went through the door in the corner and entered a room that had 4 more doors and an exit. The exit led to a room that looked like a living room. You saw a familiar green-haired boy leap up from the couch and walk to you. As he walked closer, you backed away until he reached you. He crouched down to your eye-level. "Hi! You don't need to be afraid, I just wanna help." He stuck out his hand. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. Do you like eggs and bacon?" You shook his hand, that compared to yours was ginormous. You nodded your head. "That's great! We made some extra for you." He stood up and held out his hand for you. You acted reluctant, but took it. 'Daddy was right... He is pretty easy.' He led you to the living room and sat down on one of the couches, so you sat down beside him. When sitting, your oversized T-shirt that you normally wore hung down to mid-thigh instead of knee.

A boy with red and white hair walked towards you and Midoriya with three plates of bacon and eggs. "I got the extra plate for you, Midoriya." "Thanks, this is my friend Todoroki, Todoroki this is... Actually I don't think I ever got your name." Instead of telling him your name you grabbed the plate of food and began sculpting down the eggs, then the bacon. "Jeez, you sure are hungry." You finished and set the plate and fork down. Todoroki put a glass of apple juice infront of you and you took a sip of it. "What's your name? Do you know it?" You nodded. "Y/n." "So you do speak! Do you know your last name?" You stared into space for a moment before shaking your head. "Okay... do you know your parents?" You stared again, then took a sip of your apple juice. "I... don't remember." "Can you tell us what you do remember?" "I remember waking up and seeing a... crusty old man... and he kept asking me what my quirk was... I saw a bunch of people, some of them were kinda nice. He still kept asking me, yelled a little bit and stuff. And then the misty man left and he told me to stay behind the curtain. Then black stuff poured out of my mouth and I appeared... somewhere? So I snuck away, met a hero, then you. That's it." Todoroki and Midoriya leaned forward and both gave eachother a look. Todoroki stood up and walked somewhere and you carried out a concersation with Midoriya.

A few minutes later Todoroki came back with a cinnomon roll with frosting on top, walking beside him was a man with black hair in a bun. He had a scar under one of his eyes. "Y/n, this is my teacher Mr. Aizawa. Do you mind answering a few questions?" You nodded and Aizawa sat down. He proceeded to ask you questions about yourself and "your" past, to which most of the questions were answered with "I don't know" or "I don't remember". At the end of the interrogation, Aizawa sighed and gave you a bag of chips. "Thank you. We'll help you find your family." You nodded. "In the meantime, you get to stay here with us. Me and Todoroki will introduce you to our friends!" "Midoriya, the gift." Todoroki said. You looked from Midoriya to Todoroki, glancing between both of them. "Oh right, thank you Todoroki." He got a box wrapped in wrapping paper and handed it to you. "What is this?" "Open it! It's a present. It's yours now." You found an opening and peeled it back, Aizawa, Midoriya, and Todoroki watched you. You peeled back all of the wrapping paper, leaving only a box.

You opened the lid of the box. Inside laid an adorable stuffed rabbit. It had a pint nose and two droopy ears. You reached to feel its fur. It was probably the softest thing you'd ever felt. "I hope you like bunnies... It seemed too cute not to give to you." You picked it up and felt its ears. You held it gently in your lap and looked into its cute plastic eyes. "I love bunnies..." "Really? That's cool. Koda has a pet rabbit... later we can see if you can pet it." "Do you have a name for it?" Todoroki asked. You nodded. "What is it?" He asked again.

"Rumi" You said with a smile.



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