"Say, Miss Witch," L said.

"Yeah, what is it?" I questioned.

"There is something Light and I would like to discuss with you, so if you don't mind, would you come with us after class?"

I shrugged, knowing that there was nothing else to do. "Sure, why not." The worst possibility is for him ask me to join the Task Force.

Once class ended, I gathered my stuff, and Benny came up to me, waving and smiling.

"Hey, girl," he chimed. "What's up?"

"Oh, I was just about to leave with Light and Hideki," I informed, motioning toward the two boys.

"Really?" He whined. "It seems as if they're your newest best friends now. Am I being replaced?"

"No, I just-"

"I am being replaced!" He panicked, placing his hands on the sides of his head.

"Oh please," I huffed. "You've been spending so much time with your boyfriend, of course I had to make new friends."

"Hey, relationships like that need that time!" Benny complained. "Besides, Daniel has been so kind. How can I not give him all my love and attention?"

"I know, I know," I laughed. "So, you should be fine without me. I'm kind tired of being the third wheel of your relationship, Benny."

The blonde pouted since again as he glared at me. "But you're still my friend. You mean a lot to me!"

"Alright, Benny. I'm gonna go now," I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder. There was sudden overly dramatic aura as I began to walk away. I looked back at my beanie-wearing friend to see that he was reaching to me with a pained expression.

"Nooooo, my love, don't leave meeee!" He cried out in drama. I decided to play along and reached back.

"No, I can't!" I whined in a fake cry. "Not when I know that you've caused me so much pain!"

"I can change!" He pleaded. "So, please, comes back to me!"

I slowly walked away from him and to the exit of the classroom, still reaching out. "Goodbye, my love," I replied in a whiny, seductive voice.

"NOOOoooo...." Benny screamed as his tone soon lowered into am low murmur, and then, nothing.

The whole classroom, including Light and L, watched this whole ordeal, confused and disgusted by this strange performance.

Once I stepped out the room to stand by the two detective's side, I shrugged off the dramatic aura and gave a lazy smile with my bag still being carried. "Okay, let's go," I calmly said and walked away. The two broke out of their What-the Hell-just-happened trance and followed behind me.

"What was that?" Light asked, confused.

"It sounded like the worst, cliché romanic scene ever," Ryuk rasped out.

"Oh, that? It's something we normally do," I laughed. "You should have seen us when we tried to mimic Romeo and Juliet."

"I sometimes forget that you got the third top score in the entrance exam," L commented. I shrugged as a response.

"I forgot about that myself as well."

Once we were outside, I decided to bring up the previous topic. "So why did you guys want to talk to me?"

"Oh yes, Light has requested for you to join the Task Force," L responded.

I stopped abruptly, standing in total shock. The Task Force?! Where did this even come from? Why?!

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