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Oliver pov

The next day

Enzo had his day at the soccer club. So he wouldn’t see me the whole day. But he kept texting me tho saying how he missed me. He even called me when he got bored and wanted to chat with me.
I was watching TV while on my phone. I looked through Instagram. It was mostly Enzo as I searched a lot on him. And even followed some fan accounts to see photos of Enzo. While I was scrolling I saw something weird at first but then I started to feel more hurt and mad. As I realised by reading the caption that Enzo had been caught kissing someone. And that someone wasn’t me. I kept looking seeing if it was real and all the explanations seemed real. Real enough for me to get deeply hurt.
Enzo came over to say good night to me after his long day of soccer. After 4 hours of knowing the anger had hit the roof. I was playing fortnite angrily exploding on people who killed me saying the game unfair. Mom did realise something was up so she warned Enzo. Enzo walked in and pretended like nothing. I ignored him.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Enzo asked confused going to lay down beside me. He hadn’t looked at the news the whole day. I turned fast when I felt him touch the bed.
“Don’t fucking sit there.” I said mad. Enzo stopped confused.
“Don’t fucking pretend like you did nothing. I saw the photos. It shouldn’t have surprised me why would someone like you really want me” I said hurt and mad.
“W-What are you talking about? I do like you” Enzo asked worried about why I was so mad. He didn’t like seeing me like this.
“Shut up. I don’t wanna hear it.” I said mad. He looked down.
“leave!” I yelled mad.
“O-Oliver ” Enzo said despret for me to stop yelling. “I said leave.!” I said mad and louder. He did. He left me. I cursed some more feeling the tears come. I went back to playing trying to desperately distract my self.

2 days passed

Enzo pov

I couldn’t concentrate as I kept getting reminded that Oliver hates me. He didn’t even wanna listen to me. He threw me out. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I got mad when I saw the photos people had made. Because I would never do something like that to Oliver. Oliver is the only person that’s in my head. I don’t want anyone else. I even think I love him.
When he yelled at me he told me one of his insecurity. About me not actually liking him. Probably because he isn’t like most people. Maybe he feels like he can’t be there fully for the way he thinks I deserve. But I honestly think he is perfect. I don’t care that he can’t get up. I don’t care that he can’t walk with me. Its as sweet when he moves in his wheelchair beside me when I walk. I don’t mind it. I like him just the way he is. I want him so bad. I posted on my Instagram story how fucked up it is to make up me kissing someone. And that who ever started this shit fucked up my life.
I let it be like that and people started texting me showing support, but it’s to late. Oliver doesn’t want me. So what’s the point.
I mind was filled with the mental pain in and the pain in my heart, that I didn’t eat or drink enough. I have to focus hard on those two thing, because of my work. I need enough energy and be in good health. As its exhausting. Taking care of your body is important.
I went on to the field and the game started. I started realising I was fucked as my body felt heavy and I wouldn’t be able to do . But I still tried and it backfired. As I ran after the ball my body started to get heavy. I felt the word go to the side and I couldn’t stand. I hit the ground.
One of my teammates saw me fall and ran to me. I had blacked out completely. The sun was up strong, so it had ruffed up the dehydration. He yelled for a medic trying to shake me awake. Everyone got worried about me. I was burning up.
I woke up after one of them threw cold water in my face. I was really out of it. One of them told me I had passed out. I wasn’t really able to process anything. I was carried in to the resting room / where we spend time together. They laid me down on the sofa. The doctor checked me out. I got some water and tried to drink some. The doctor told me to just rest to I felt better and then go home.
They kept playing the game after they knew I was okay. I just looked at the selling. I didn’t see any light in my anymore. I know it maybe sounds extreme but it really is so painfull to get your heart broken. I know it will probably go over, but its really hard right now. It happened so fast, so hard and unexpected.

Oliver pov

Some days had passed but nothing had gotten better. I kept playing games. Mom had gotten me a new caregiver. I just ignored her not because I didn’t like her, but because I was just so mad at everything. Because of Enzo. I went on my phone to see if I could watch some cute cat videos, but Enzo was everywhere. Really good for moving on…..
I saw a video about the kissing Enzo did. I clicked on it as it was big word saying false. And of course I did deep inside wanted it to be fake. I watched the video. A guy was apologising for the photo that had gone out of hand. And it wasn’t supposed to be Enzo it was just a guy who looked like Enzo. I was stunned. It meant Enzo didn’t do anything wrong. That’s why he was so confused with my anger. I felt a pit in my stomach. I hated it. I yelled away Enzo, because of a photo that wasn’t Enzo. I hurt Enzo..
My whole body felt so wrong. I went to Enzo number to text him, but I wasn’t able to come with any words. I went back to Instagram and my feed restarted and I felt my heart drop. It was photos of what looked like Enzo passing out on the soccer field. I felt my body panic scared and horrified if he was okay. I kept scrolling. I couldn’t find out if he was. I yelled for mom. And just showed her my phone.
“I have to go” I said as something kicked in me. I couldn’t rest before I knew Enzo was okay. Mom helped me on my wheelchair and we got in her car. She tried to calm me down, but I couldn’t listen. I kept thinking if he passed out because of me? Or did I trigger something in him? Was he sick and got worse when I treated him horrible? Is it my fault?
We came to the soccer arena. It was so big and I felt my anxiety of people started to stress me out. Mom asked if I would go out. I just shaked my head. I guess my anxiety is stronger then me. I really didn’t want this. But I cant stop it. Mom went out and tried to get to Enzo, but of course it wasn’t easy. As they had no clue who my mom was, and Enzo had a lot of fans so they couldn’t just let some stranger in.
Mom came back apologising to me. She wasn’t able to get me to Enzo or get Enzo to me. I swallowed and forced my self to go in the wheelchair. I was to nervous to move it so Mom moved it for me. Luckily it wasn’t a lot of people inside. Just on the field so I calmed a little down when I came inside.
“I am sorry I cant let you through. We don’t know for sure that he knows you. I am sorry” he said seeing I was trying really hard to come in.
“c-can you tell him its O-Oliver?” I asked desperate. He sighed and nodded willing to try for me.
We waited patiently.

Enzo pov

“Enzo?” one of the workers asked.
“Yeah” I said taking a sip of my water.
“A guy and a older lady came to see you. I didn’t wanna bother you but the boy seemed really worried. He said his name is Oliver” he said. I looked up at him.
“Oliver?” I asked surprised. He nodded.
“Do you know him?” he asked.
“Yes” I said.
“Should I let them in?” he asked. I nodded. I am not sure why he is here. I thought he hated me, but I want to see him. I sat up feeling my head pound a little. I drank some more water. I heard Oliver come in with his wheelchair.
“Are you okay?” Oliver asked first.
“I am fine, I just didn’t drink and eat enough” I said honestly. Oliver moved to me. He looked at me. It was quiet.
“I..I a-am s-so s-s-sorry” Oliver said started to tear up.
“pls don’t cry” I said getting up leaning my weight on the wheelchair.
“Can I sit on you?” I asked. Oliver nodded. I sat down on him. I kissed his forehead. He started letting more tears fall as he was so nervous to go in here. I moved so I felt comfortable and leaned my head on Oliver neck. Oliver hugged me.
“I am okay Oliver. You really came here for me? That’s so brave of you” I said softly. It made oliver cry a little more feeling better tho.
“I am proud of you Oliver” I said softly taking my hand on his face softly.
“I really just want you. I don’t want anyone else. I don’t care that you can’t get up. I don’t see you as any embarrassment. I want you for you. I don’t mind walking beside you when you are moving with the wheelchair. I don’t mind caring you around all day. I don’t mind making sure you get the treatment you deserve. I don’t mind making food for you. I love everyday of what I do for you. Those things that make you smile. Make you feel worth it makes my whole life worth it” I said softly hoping my words felt as strong to Oliver as it felt when coming out of me. Oliver let down some tears.
“I just w-want..y-you too” Oliver said while crying. My words hit him right how I wanted. I kissed his neck. He stopped crying after some minutes. He wiped away his tears.
“D-Do you wanna go home with me?” Oliver asked. I looked up at him and smiled.
“of course” I said softly getting up slowly. I took the bottle of water with me.

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