Chapter 12: To Stand Once More

Start from the beginning

Chase: "Ryder! Skye!"

Rowdy tried throwing a bunch of rubble at Primrose. Primrose however used portals to catch all of it then shoot it back at him. Rowdy tried to get out of the way but wasn't fast enough and got hit by the rubble. He was stuck underneath it, he tried to get out but failed as he fell unconscious.

Everest: "Oh no, Rowdy!"

Rocky: *growling* "You monster!"

Rocky tried hitting Primrose with his energy hammer but she stopped it with her bare paw.

Rocky: "No way."

Primrose then destroyed the energy hammer with a single punch.

Rocky: "She so strong..."

Zuma: "What do we do?"

Everest tried to launch a bunch of icicles at Primrose, but she used her portals to consume them all and fired them back at them. Everest, Liberty, and Rubble all got hit by icicles which had managed to pierce through their suits into their skin. Thankfully it didn't pierce too far through but they were all still in a lot of pain.

Mika: "Oh my god..."

Primrose: "It seems your all having some trouble. If you give up now I may make your deaths quick."

Chase: "We're not giving up!"

Dina: "That's right."

Dina managed to get back up and signaled to Marshall, and she and Marshall both jumped at Primrose. Dina had her scythe and Marshall had his Fire Bone. Instead of portaling them away, Primrose blasted the both with dark energy beams sending them crashing into nearby building. They fell to the ground below.
Dina and Marshall had both fell unconscious from the impact.

Primrose sucked up a bunch of loose rubble into her portals and shot it out at the remaining pups. Chase countered it by using is Sonic Bark.

The remaining pups, Chase, Magenta, Mika, Rocky, and Zuma all tried to figure something out.

Zuma: "What do we do dudes? She's too stwong."

Chase looked up at Primrose making eye contact with her red, evil eyes.

Chase: "I... don't know."

Magenta: "Is there anything we can do? We can't give up."

Mika: "All we can do is give it all we've got."

Chase used his super speed to run to the top of a building and jump toward Primrose and hit her with his Flash Smash. Magenta created shadow wings and flew at Primrose, readying a powerful punch. Before the two could hit her, Primrose made two portals in each side of her in which the both ended up going right into and made then knock into each other as they fell to the road below.

Zuma tried to shoot up a geyser from below Primrose but she just portaled out of the way.

Zuma: "Whewe did she go?"

The three pups looked around frantically, and without any time to react, Primrose got behind Rocky and Zuma and punched them directly into a building. They too fell to the ground and went unconscious. Primrose then looked toward Mika.

Primrose: "Looks like it's just you and me..."

Mika stepped back a bit, frantically trying to think of something.

Mika'a mind: "What do I do?"

Primrose portaled away once more. Mika prepared herself for her to appear at any moment.

Mika: "Show yourself!"

Then, Primrose got in front of Mika and grabbed her by the neck with her paw. She floated up, still holding onto Mika by the neck.
Mika struggled to break free, meanwhile Chase and Magenta had picked themselves up, they were bruised but were managing to stay strong.
They looked up at Primrose who had Mika in her paw. Magenta got furious seeing this.

Magenta: "Put Mika down!"

Primrose: "I will, after I do this!"

Primrose threw Mika up into the air and the blasted her with a powerful beam of darkness. She crashed into a nearby building as well.

Magenta: "Mika!"

Mika fell down to the ground and Magenta and Chase ran over to her.

Primrose: "I said I would let her go."

Primrose floated down to the ground and walked over to Chase and Magenta slowly.

Magenta: "Mika!"

Mika: *cough* "I'm... okay..."

Mika groaned in pain from the blast and impact against the building. She too fell unconscious. Chase and Magenta saw Primrose and backed away from her as she continued to walk towards them.

Primrose: "I think it's time we finish this."

Primrose lifted her paw a created a blade of dark energy around her paw.

Magenta: "Chase, what do we do?"

Chase was thinking when he came up with an idea.

Chase: "I.. I think I have an idea..."

Chase used his super speed and ran over to the others and took the crystals out of their badges, he then ran back over to Magenta with the crystals in his paw.

Magenta: "What's your plan Chase?"

Chase didn't say anything as he took his crystal out of his badge. He could feel his power leave him.

Magenta: "Chase, what are you doing?"

Chase: "Take them."

Magenta: "What?"

Chase: "I said take them, attach them to your badge."

Magenta: "Why me though?"

Chase: "Between you and me, your the one that can fly here. Besides I know what your capable of."

Magenta: "Are you sure?"

Chase: "I'm positive."

Magenta takes the crystals from Chase hand hold them next to her badge. The all attach to it and Magenta feels massive surge of power. Her eyes and suit glow brightly. She is surrounded by a dark purple aura.

Magenta: "Woah..."

Chase: "How do you feel?"

Magenta clenched her paw

Magenta: "I feel... mighty!"

Chase: "Good. Then I'll going to leave this to you."

Magenta: "Okay, get somewhere safe, this could get really destructive."

Chase: "I will."

Magenta flew up to Primrose.

Chase: "Good luck Magenta! You can do this!"

Magenta looked back at Chase and gave him a nod. She turned back around and was now face to face with Primrose who had flown back into the air.

Primrose: "So, you think having all that power is going to save you?"

Magenta: "We'll have to find out."

Magenta and Primrose stared each other down.
Primrose created an sphere of red, dark energy in each of her paws.

Primrose: "Then prepare yourself pup. This is going to be the last day of your life."

Magenta created a large fireball in one paw and  created a orb of darkness in the other.

Magenta's mine: "Looks like I have everyone's powers now."

Magenta: "Lets go... Primrose."

End of Chapter 12

Paw Patrol AU: Mighty Meteor Madness Where stories live. Discover now