The gallery belonged to a private person. According to the information sought, it would start functioning in a week, but it has already earned people's attention due to its grand opening plan.

The position of curator in the gallery was recently announced, and unlike
other similar spaces, no one here asked for many years of experience.

I entered the building with new hopes and entered the interview room with
the help of the service staff.

At the end of the room, the council had already gathered and started rustling the papers for the first interview.

"Sol Gyeong?" A middle-aged blonde woman buried in papers asked like a
a strict teacher and looked at me from the top of the thin glasses on her nose.

"Yes." I held my breath and got closer to them.

"The representative of the owner will come in two minutes. Until then you
can wait and prepare."
I immediately obeyed the woman's instruction, sat down in the chair in front of them, and began to answer the supposed questions in my mind.

If the gallery turned out as planned, my job would allow me to return to a
forgotten dream.

"I apologize for the delay. I couldn't come early because of company affairs." The strong voice started behind my back and made my body tense.

The man's voice was too familiar to me, but not so much that I recognized his identity by the tone of his voice.

Filled with curiosity, I timidly turned to the person and couldn't  hide my
surprise when I caught sight of a publicly recognized handsome face.

"You?" Through his surprised exclamation, I realized that he still remembered me.

"Me. Kim Seokjin, do you know Ms. Sol?" the blonde woman asked with
interest and observed her surprised face.

Seokjin's well-shaped eyebrows were still raised in surprise. It was seen in
the widened eyes how he was looking for an answer to the question without
revealing his brother's big secret.

"No, for a second she reminded me of my old friend." He muttered carelessly and looked away from me as if he had woken up after seeing a momentary dream.

"Since you are already here, let's start. Are you ready Ms. Sol?" the bespectacled person turned to me with her usual emotion and looked at the questionnaire after my consent.

Seeing Kim Seokjin made me lose all desire to curate. If he was a
representative of the owner, it was easy to guess who the owner of the
gallery was.

Was the job offered to buy me through this gallery? Turns out Namjoon was talking about this gallery when he was talking about Kim's new business development.

If that was the case, and if I correctly connected the threads left around me, it turned out that my personal space was crossed with Taehyung's and I could no longer escape from it.

I went through the interview with new thoughts. I returned the memorized questions, and memorized answers, nodded my head in gratitude to the council, and left the room breathless.

For the first time, I dreamed that I would return from the interview rejected. I didn't want the information about my interview to reach Taehyung and consider it his successful bribery attempt.

"Son Gyeong." A shout heard behind me drew my attention.

When I turned back, Seokjin's tall body surrounded me and confused me for a minute.

Another Kim was still interested in something from me.

"It's not necessary, Seokjin. I didn't know if the gallery belonged to Taehyung. You can convey that I did not come here because of his suggestion."

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