Chapter Five

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It's strange. When our hearts break, for a while time doesn't seem to move and it feels like this is how it's going to be forever. There's no hope, no guiding light. All consolations, words of wisdom fail to heal a wound that's bleeding endless. 

But then like a feather's touch of magic, something shifts within. As time passes by, we come to realize even though the scar is evermore, it's hurting a little less than it used to. No idea how and when it happened, only a strong feeling that it did.

This gradual yet unfelt cycle of change, it's consistent and one can see it everywhere. Going through an almost mundane life every day and out of nowhere, the realization hits like fireworks erupting in the quiet of the night. Something has changed beyond our perception.

A confused expression stresses on Hazel's face as she watches from a distance, her too reserved and logical grandson illogically smiling alone while his eyes are stuck to the open book. The lights are off and he's sitting at his desk which is lit up by a study lamp.

She came to check up on him but has been standing in the doorway for a while, seemingly trying to figure it all out.

"Why are you smiling at the book, Miles? What's so funny?" Hazel voices her thoughts out, causing Miles to slightly jump out of surprise.

"Nana, you scared me." He exhales deeply before attempting to convince his grandma otherwise.

"And I wasn't smiling."

"You try to say that I was hallucinating?" She gives him a side eye. "You clearly were smiling. Not like it's a bad thing, I just wanted to know the joke." A chuckle leaves her mouth. "Anyway, the meal is ready. Come and have your dinner."

"Okay." He answers shortly as Hazel leaves the doorway. Alone again, a look of confusion seems evident on his face this time. And he feels a knot of frustration growing inside of him while he ponders over his grandma's words.


"What are you thinking about?" Reid asks, combing his fingers through his dark brown hair as he checks himself out in the glass window.

Miles shrugs a little, "Nothing in particular."

"I'm wondering if I should order a muffin or pastry. This is a hard choice."

Rolling his eyes, Miles sips on the cappuccino while his gaze slowly travels over the people and surroundings in the small coffee shop.

He has one person in this whole town he can count as a true companion and that's Reid, a passionate basketball player. They've been together since middle school growing up side by side. Apart from his family, Reid is the only one who knows Miles like the back of his hand.

"How is your preparation for Toronto going?"

"The deadline to send final decisions was by mid June. I've sent it already though." Reid laughs, "I have no second thoughts... I mean Humber's a good college and academics isn't my main focus either. Why wait then?"

Miles gives him a nod as a continuous sound of laughing catches his attention. He looks sideways to find a small kid running around the wooden table and chairs while a woman supposedly his mother tries to calm him and convinces him to go back to her. Mornings in Mahone Bay coffee shops almost always look like this. Elderly people seek companionship over a cup of coffee and younger ones either come to enjoy some quality time alone or with others. Sitting in a room full of coastal maritime furnishings and looking out at the tranquil harbor, it emits a homely feeling of warmth and contentment.

"Did I tell you about the girl that I'm tutoring?" Miles questions suddenly as Reid shakes his head, a chocolate chip muffin in his hand and his mouth full.

"I was free anyway and she needed help so dad brought her in."

"What's her name?"

He takes a moment, his expression shifting slightly before he replies, "...Juliet."

Reid looks at him, clearly amused.

"She must be so romantic."

A faint smile appears on Miles' lips, "I don't know about that but from what I've seen, she's kind of chaotic and hilarious."

"How does she look?"

"Unlike you Reid, I don't flirt with girls and I don't notice their looks."

"Ooh, you sure?" Reid teases, lips wide in a mocking smile. "Just accept the fact that you're a monk, Miles."

"You should really shut your mouth and go back to doing what you do best." He says, pointing at the muffin in Reid's hand.

He laughs humorously, shaking his head as if he finds his friend funny and it gains him another disappointed look.

"Thank you, thank you. I guess I will do just that."


"There's still a few months left till college starts. Right now you don't really need to study as usual. Give yourself a break and enjoy the time otherwise it'll turn into an overload later on." Wallace says thoughtfully as Ariel comes to sit in his lap out of habit. She puts one of her arms around her father's neck and lays her head against his chest while he places a kiss on her forehead.

He's always busy working the whole day as a high school teacher. Although when he returns home at the end of the day, he routinely spends some time with his children.

"What's that girl's name..." a frown emerges on his forehead while he tries to remember, "Juliet. Yeah. How are things going with her?"

Something shifts behind Miles' eyes as he averts his gaze a bit, "Um... it's going well. She's intelligent."

Wallace nods in agreement, "Of course. Securing a seat in one of the best universities in the country is not an easy task. Pay her good attention."

Miles gets back to his room at eleven at night, closing the door and turning the lights off. He switches on the lamp and as his hand delves into his pocket, fingers brush across something. He instantly recognizes the object and brings out the small thing in a glittery wrapper, golden light creating a sparkle.

He eyes it for a while, rolling the chocolate in his fingers somewhat distractedly. His lips beam upward in an involuntary smile and then he keeps it back in again.

 His lips beam upward in an involuntary smile and then he keeps it back in again

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