
I helped Divya despite his mother telling me not to because I had nothing else to do.

Daiwik came back a while ago, after dinner, and was in our room right now, I went over to the room to serve him his dinner alone, and when I entered he had already changed into his house clothes, he saw the food in my hand, "Let me wash my hand!" He said, as he went out to wash his hand and came back sitting on the bed as I kept the food down before him,

Dev slept in the television room. I sat across from him to keep him company while he eats, and if he needs something.

I crossed my legs, while I completely sat over the end, relaying at the bed end, he ate slowly,
"Did you eat?" he asked me, did I eat?

I did not, I hummed in reply, he ate the complete chapati as he was about to break another bite, his sight of eating that fungus-filled chapati pushing in his mouth came before me, I shrugged it away instantly, Divya knocked at the door as little later hung her head, "Bhabhi! He is eating, you should eat too?" She asked me loudly, he instantly looked up, "I will get your plate ready!" she said, but before I could refuse he asked her to bring the plate here.

And he stopped eating his food. His eyes met mine, "You lied?" He asked me, and I blinked shrugging, "I just thoughts it's irrelevant for you to know I ate or not." I said as calmly as I could but he shook his head,

"Zehra! You are well-fed! Well clothed! Well accommodated! Is the only relevant thing I give a damn about! So stop just trying to act invisible! If you want things take it! If I have any related to it, snatch it! Demand it! Don't just sit thinking every fucking things that actually should be irrelevant!" He muttered, for the first time cursing in a conversation with me!

Divya brought the plate and handed me it, I took it, as he only started eating when I did, and had the first bite. His eyes looking at my lips, he inhaled and exhaled, before he dig back into his plate.

I went over to help Divya in the kitchen, I entered the room not finding anyone inside, my eyes darted to the wooden basket on the bed, I walked up to the basket, finding so many sweets and sanitary napkins in the basket like the old time when he used to buy me these, but apart from sweets and sanitary napkin, today the entire bed next to it, filled with every single thing I looked at the market and liked it! Everything!


How can he?

I turned around to see him behind me, my eyes darting at him standing at the doorframe, his hands crossed, "Did I miss anything?"

My mouth was left open, I had no words! I could not believe him! I just couldn't, he brought me everything! How can he? He walked up to me with a smile that was barely visible on his face, standing right before me, picking up the bangles I picked at the first shop I saw,

As his hands came towards me, but I pulled them back, my eyes haven't left his face once, just shocked, but when I pulled my hand back, he was surprised, "It's haram for a woman to wear bangles by any man other than a blood relative," I reminded myself and him when he nodded.

"But it's perfectly fine in Hindus!" he said, as he caught my hand and started to slide the bangles in my hand, my eyes just stuck to his sharp face,

When he was done, "Someday I will be the reason they will break," I am not sure if this is what he mumbled but any other sentence apart from that did not make sense. He pulled back,

"Won't I get a massage that makes people moan?" He asked me, his eyes resting upon me, my mouth left open, I did not know what to say.

I nodded, I can't say no! Can I? He practically bought me the entire market.

He pinched his nose, taking a step closer with his eyebrow peaking.

I blinked, as I pulled back, "Okay! I will get the oil," I said as I went over for oil, but he stopped me by catching my wrist, "No oil! I just had a bath!" He said I gulped down hard, looking at the hand that he let go of,

"I can't sit on the floor since the bed's height is very high, climb on the bed," he demanded again, authority voice. I gulped, nodding and I walked onto the bed, my legs folded, when he sat on the bed himself, he was still towering over me, but when I got on my knees, half sitting we were finally in the right proportion.

I hovered over his back when he suddenly took his t-shirt off!

He is getting too much now,

My hands went over to his hair, but he shook his head, "Not the hair, the shoulders!" he ordered rubbing his neck,

And as much as I was trying to be logical thinking maybe he is just the child who has the burden on his shoulders so it must be heavy for him, but I knew he was smug about this.

My hand reached his bare shoulders, and my ethics and my religion said loud no but I kept my hand despite, as I started massaging his shoulders, his neck, indeed it was very tight, he has the load, it just never showed on his face. And he spent his hard-earned money on me like this? My guilt rose, I tried my best to give him the best massage and relieve his stress for him.

He had broad shoulders, not hairy at all, smooth, sleek with sweat in the weather, or that he bathed right now?

He caught my arm after some time, and he turned his head up, getting up on his knees himself, turning around to face me, once again towering over me now that he was on his knees.

"I won't do anything tonight because I don't want you to misconclude that I am just so straightforward because I bought you things and you are obliged to do it. But Zehra, it's getting very hard for me to control anymore," he confessed.
"And I know you don't think about marriage as of now. But I don't know how long I can stop my insanity to get me!" he continued,

As he started to get off the bed,

It was all too much to take in the same day.


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