The Chase

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Written by Rebecca Widger

Through the dark damp night she feel the branches, leaves, and mud on her bare feet as she runs into the woods hearing him behind her .The sound of him yelling her name sends her into a faster pace. He can't catch me I have run so far I am almost there almost away from hi.HOw did he know where I was? Where is everyone else they were with me did they get away? I haven't heard them I did hear a scream but that was an hour ago maybe.I stopped by the creek to breathe and wash up my bloody clothes my face is covered in blood  the gun shot was deafening so I  ran I am sure sarah is dead but the others why have I only heard him coming?

Why not everyone else maybe they are waiting in the clearing."Charlotte"I hear and run he knows my name I hear a jingle jingle. He has keys? I see the clearing  only a couple more feet I see the sun it's still morning I made it to the clearing  have i been running in a circle? The blood of my friends They are are Dead? " Oh Shit" he has found me he puts me in the back of a car after an hour later we are at the police station.A nice police officer asks me what happened ton my friends as he takes the gun from me , I remembered I did kill them as I laugh the officer tells me no one survive. Why did you do it? They wanted to go hunting guess I got the biggest catch Hahaha

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