Unexpected Visitor

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  Written by Rubie Widger

In a small cul de sac  there were two families that were friends They have lived in this cul de sac for almost 10 years together  Renee the mother of the first family had six children  Rebecca, Rachel ,  Rylie , Rosie , Raven and her Husband Reese.  Taylor  the mother of the second family had three children Thomas Tabitha and Tyler and her husband tate.one day Rebecca was watching taylors kids and her sister raven as she normally did tabitha and raven were sitting by the front door of Taylor's house talking as they normal did they were best friends after all but  the closer rebecca looked  the weirder it was. it was like there was a third person involved in their conversation but there was just the girls talking so rebecca waited for Taylor to get home but when she got home she dismissed Rebecca's concern it was Tabitha's imaginary friend so Rebecca let it go she told her mom when after her and Raven got home her mom also found it weird but told Rebecca not to worry it was okay.

A few weeks passed  and they had stopped talking to the imaginary friend but one dau Rebecca was putting tyler down for a nap and she heard an older males voice talking to the girls  she assumed it was tate Tabitha's dad but it was a large thing man What do you want Rebecca asked him I want your bushes he said My what it was James the gardener he was the imaginary friend 

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