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Raymond's POV:

I really couldn't care about our journey anymore. For once I was tired off running around and I could tell that everyone in this car was as well so I decided to take a detour. I knew this was not the right way but I just wanted everyone to relax a bit. It took an hour of more drive but we finally arrived at the small funpark and adventure park.

Me: Alright, everyone out.

Jamie: We're in public

Me: I know.

Jamie: I don't like people..

Me: I know that too.

Jamie: Ray~ my social anxiety says no...

Me: The kids need this.

Jamie: I-

Me: Look at them and tell me that again.

Jamie was really something else and I loved her like a sister but the kids were bored and needed a change as well. Everyone was on edge nowadays that a bit of fun wouldn't hurt at all. Besides I knew how much Jamie hated people and I was simply dressed the wrong way for this. I was looking like a pastor and I was nearly always carrying a bible with me. This was by far no place for me to go.

Jamie: Fine... but noone talks to me...

Me: You can also stay here if you want....your choice but I'll take the kids out.

Jamie: Nah, I'll go inside too.

Me: Alright. Now that this is settled let's get going.

The kids were all silent since there were still kinda half asleep but once they saw where we were, I could see their faces brighten up and they were running around just like kids should do and this was when I faced Jamie again.

Me: This is worth it, isn't it?

Jamie: The social interaction is not...

She just looked at me and complained a bit more. I knew that she wasn't completely ready nor did I care about this. Our trust was partially broken and now I was focusing more on the kids than her. I remember how many times I would actually act out of my character to help her out. Let's just say I was a bit tired doing this.

Me: How about I get you some coffee?

Jamie: Nah... I would like a cold soda though.

We soon got to the park and everyone started to point at something they wanted to do. It really was fun going out of our way to play with them. Jamie even joined them on some rides while I was sitting them out. I had quite the anxiety when it came to heights so roller costers were not fun for me. However I did enjoy some nice walk and see them all happy.

At the end of the day, I could tell that Jamie needed this as well, no matter how much she complained at the beginning.

Klause: Hey, Ray!

Me: Hm?

Klause: I'm having fun... but are you?

Me: Oh, I am having fun too.

Violet: Then why aren't you in the water? You look bored?

Me: I don't look like it? How come?

Violet: Why not go on some of the rides?

Me: Ah! I have a fear of heights so I don't cope well with a lot of rides.

Jamie: I never knew this.

Me: Because you never asked. There was no need to tell you up until now.

Jamie: Oh.. I see.

Me: *sigh* Well not as if you ever ask anything....

It hurt a bit to see Jamie this surprised. I knew she didn't know a lot about me since my whole life I was there for her. Sometimes she was there for me but she didn't know a lot about me. Though to be fair, she never asked and I just didn't feel like talking about it to her while knowing she had her very own problems. There was no need to add some more worries to her.

This was just the kind of person I was.

Me: Now does anyone want another ride or should we get going?

I believe we were about 6 hours in this fun park and they seemed a bit tired but of course I had to ask just in case.

Jamie: I think we should get dinner, they look tired.

Me: Alright. Let's get to the car. I will get us to a better place than this.

Klaus: Ok.

Just like that we all headed back to the car and I drove us to get some good food. One normal day in the live of this kids. This was definitely necessary. I knew it! It felt great spoiling them and seeing them act like their age as well as smile a lot.

At the end of the day, we had fun and they could relax!

This is how they should act normal!

No threat...

No villain...

Just pure childishness...

I hope that we can end this soon so that they can be themselves again.

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