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Raymond's POV:

I was driving us to the place since Jamie wanted to actually have a 'talk' with Poe and I hated that man. Last time I talked to him he was actually throwing a flower pot at me screaming I was a complete idiot and should do gardening. Oh well it is not his decision and I am not giving up doing what I like to do which means helping out kids. Otherwise me and my friend Jamie wouldn't actually be on our way there.

However, first be first!

I needed tea soo badly. My nerves were on the bottom line and I just needed something to get my spirit up and ready for what was about to come.

Me: You want something as well?

Jamie: Coffee.

Me: Sure.

Since we were living together sharing a house, I knew all about her coffee preferences and she knew all about my tea addiction. In the end I went ahead and ordered us our drinks and we went our way through the drive through. Once done I parked us at the parking lot there so we could enjoy some of the drinks and to see if she had a plan approaching that lunatic. I for sure didn't want to get a plant thrown at me again.

Me: So you have a plan how we gonna do this?

Jamie: No... But you remember how he used to treat us when we his interns at the bank?

Me: I do and you remember that plant that got thrown at me... I don't want that again. So... we better come up with how to approach that lunatic.

Jamie: I heard he mellowed out... after he got married. But you know me, I have grudges.

Me: Sure.... With my luck he's gonna throw a brick at me next.

Jamie: *Chuckles* Why do you think I took the metal pipe from my office?

Me: Fun, why else?

I knew the reason very well but I had ignored it. Was there really the need for this? Who knows but I felt a lot safer with her and the pipe around. Not as if I would start swinging it around myself. I am a pacifist who would occasionally dare to throw and chuck a bible at someone. Nothing more and nothing less. Besides I would also pray to god to forgive my sinning as I had just made sure that the other one had confessed their sins to the bible I chucked. Well this was more my style anyways.

Me: *sigh* You think talking will be enough?

Jamie: *Grinning* Ray, mine and your definitions of 'talk' are two completely different definitions...*Sips her coffee*

Me: I know....

Jamie: Then why ask, it always works, does it not?

Me: Because I am thinking of staying in the car while you go 'talk' things out.

Jamie: Oh that's fine

Me: Great then ama do that.

I chucked the tea down like I usually do with these low level teas and continued to drive us to the location we had to go. There I just parked in front of Mr. Poe's house and looked at Jamie one more time before she would get out and do her talking with him.

Me: Don't forget your bat- aham pipe... and don't make me need to drive us out while getting chased by the police!

Jamie: *Walking extremely slowly to the door* I won't, I promise, I'm calm right now...

Me: *sigh*... there she goes.

I knew she couldn't hear me anymore since I decided to stay in the car but sometimes I really was wondering what was going on in her head. Besides, I was sure something would go wrong any minute.

Me: I'll give her three minutes....

Since I was in the car, I could see the house perfectly fine and decided to count down the minutes.

Me: Three.... Two.... One....

And oop... There was the plant which got thrown out of the window. I knew this would happen. Next thing I know, I hear some screaming and then some crashing and I think a slipper got thrown out of the window again. Just another couple minutes later and Jamie came out looking refreshed. She didn't hurry or anything and came back sitting right next to me.

Me: Seems as if you had your fun there.

Jamie: Fun? I was working Raymond.

Me: Sure~

Jamie: Don't sass me.

Me: And how did it go?

Jamie: He had the audacity to ask me if I was coming back to beg for my job... I did you a favor and threw his plant pot at him...

Me: PFFFFF hahahahahahah

Jamie: Yeah, his wife tried to scare me saying that she'll write about me in her papers but I showed he my card and she fainted.

Me: Ohhh noooo what a boomer....

Jamie: *Grimacing* Don't ever say that again..

Me: So where now?

Jamie: Montgomery Mongomery's house


Just like that I started to drive us to the house so that we could be with the kids and of course look at them for the first time. For now I knew it were kids and nothing more.

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