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Raymond's POV:

The next day, I still couldn't believe that I let Jamie do what she pleased. I was really concerned for the kids and her. Though I also knew that there was no stopping her if she set her mind to something so I didn't even try at all. If she needed to hide a body, then I would be there ready to help her out and then make a great meal for us so we could relax after all the hard work.

Anyways, in the morning I let Jamie sleep as I went to the kitchen to prepare some food for everyone. I thought they would be hungry when they wake up and decided to be up early and make some rice omelet for the kids. Quite easy to make but I was surprised to see Klause there.

Me: Morning.

Klaus: Good morning Ray..

Me: What are you doing this early in the morning in the kitchen?

Klaus: I was making myself some tea-

Me: Nope. Not gonna happen. Now move and let me do it. You will learn to see that there is more to tea than it looks like.

Klaus(Scared): O-ok... let's see it then.

I quickly got to make some tea out of some herbs in the kitchen as well as some from the tea bag. I mixed things together and started brewing it my way.

Me: You like it sweet or not? I personally always put honey in it.

Klaus: Sweet please... it smells heavenly, not even my mother made tea that smells this good...

Me: Alright.

Since the kid liked it sweet, I put in just the right amount of honey and gave it to him. Of course inside were some chamomile leaves for relaxing and soothing as well as to calm his stomach down. After all if the stomach was happy, the mind was too.

Jamie: Ray~ where are my glasses... and hairband? ow-

Me: Oop... it seems as if I have to leave you alone here for a minute. Don't you dare make breakfast. I'll be right back but do enjoy your tea and if it's not enough take mine as well.

Klaus: Is she ok?

Me: Yeah she is not the morning person....

With that I quickly ran out of the kitchen to get to our room and then look at her. It was funny to see her in the morning and normally I would prepare some stuff so she had it easier but this time I focused more on the kids and some maybe thoughts.

Jamie: I can;t find my shoe either!

Me: Here you go. Your glasses are on the chair and your headband is still on you...

After that, I grabbed some stylish clothes and handed it over to her as well as a brush and a small cosmetic bag which had everything inside she needed in the morning before I looked up to her.

Me: Anything else?

Jamie: Coffee~

Me: I know but breakfast comes first.

Jamie: Fine, I'll be down soon...*yawn*

Me: Alright.

Now I could finally go back to the kitchen and Klause was still there but this time he had my mug in his hand.

Me: Liked it?

Klaus: Yes, it had a burst of flavor that reminded me pf reading books on a rainy day! Thank you...

Me: Your welcome. From now on come to me whenever you need some tea. Oh and do me a favor and stay back from the new assistant.....

I couldn't help but give the kid a warning before I started cooking some breakfast for everyone. I could only hope that I would not see the assistant in the morning but of course things were different and not as I wanted it to be. Still morning is morning and I was the one guy out of us both to be up and ready.

Me: Morning kids. Breakfast is ready!

Violet: Ray?

Me: Morning Violet, Sunny. Anything special you two want to drink and where is Monty?

Violet: I'll have milk, same with Sunny.

I nearly forgot to put the coffee on the table so I listened to the kids while I rushed to the kitchen right next door once again to bring the coffee and some milk over. I had still some tea left so I made another cup for me and Klause and came back serving everyone in the dining room. That was when Jamie came into the room.

Jamie: Raymond Renolds...

Me: Ah Jamie, perfect timing.. Here your coffee.

Jamie: Oh! Thanks hun!

Me: Your welcome, now everyone ready to dig in or did I forget something?

It didn't seem like it since they all started digging in but Monty was still missing and I just had a bad feeling when I started hearing two voiced.

Me (whispering): Does it have to be in the morning.... What a lunatic....god please take the sinner to your sons side.

Jamie: Oh my... prey this early I see...

Me: If not now, when do I get the chance? After you are done dealing with them?

Klaus: Why are you two whispering?

Me: Ah it's because we are debating what we should do with you three and it was supposed to be a surprise! But now... oh nooo what have I done telling this.... Ah what a shame....

Jamie: You're almost as bad of an actor as Olaf.

Me: I was a pastor once not an actor... what do you expect me to do?

Violet: Really? You were a pastor?

Me: I was before I burned down the church.

Jamie: *cackles* I remember helping you clean up after that.

Me: Well who would have thought putting up too many candles can burn down the church. All I wanted was to put a candle for every grave in the backyard of the church and pray for each soul to be in a happy place.

Jamie: With dry grass? Raymond... sweetie...

Me: It was not dry grass! It was sage to cleanse the soule and the place"

Jamie: Whatever helps you sleep at night,

Me: *sigh* You will never understand it....

Violet: You two are incredibly close for best friends...

Me: Ah we know each other since we are little so we are kinda like brother and sisters

Klaus: I remember you saying that yesterday, it's just... kind of confusing...

Me: Why?

Violet: I think it's the fact that Jamie called you sweetie earlier...

Jamie: Oh? Well then I'm sorry, I tend to call people petnames...

Me: She always has weird nicknames... just wait and you all will get some too....

Jamie: Oh... damn, call me out for what?

Me: For still not knowing what sage is and implying I did it on purpose where it was an ACCIDENT!

Jamie: Drop it now! You're loud!

Monty: Oh there you five are! Come to the living room, we have a new resident in casa de Mongomery!

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