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Jamie POV

Raymond and I looked at each other and got up, the kids followed after us. Raymond left the room first and I left after Klaus. When we got to the living room, Monty was smiling at a person, I nearly bumped into Klaus before Raymond reached and pulled me forward, I stumbled and looked at the person, I barely held back the angry groan that left my lips.

Me(Whispering): Looks like we were right...

Raymond (whispering): I know... and I hate to be right.... I am just worried about the kids....

Me: We have two options, you go and talk to them and I stay here with the kids, or I can go and talk to them, and you and kids stay here.

The smile I gave was tight and fake, he looked down at me with wide eyes he's never been good with confrontation.

Me: So? What'll it be?

Raymond: I am staying...

Violet: Why'd we stop?

Raymond: Don't worry about him!

Violet: How'd he find us?!

Me: Mr.Poe's hag of a wife...

Klaus: So what are we going to do?

Me: You guys are going to stay with Ray and I'm going to try and get some information...

Raymond: You three nothing. Let Jamie handle this. She has a personal vendetta with this guy open.

Me: I do not...

A doubtful look was thrown my way and he crossed his arms.

Raymond: Sure say what you want but we both know it is true!

I rolled my eyes and left them, as I walked closer, I saw the man and nearly jumped him right then and there, Monty looked up at me and patted the spot next to him.

Monty: Jamie! Where are the-

Me: They're not feeling well... Who's this?

I saw the look of shock on Count Olaf's face, he pushed up his stupidly face glasses and leaned forward.

Olaf: Estafan...

Me: Oh... So why did you apply for the job?

Monty looked at me but I looked Olaf in the eye.

Olaf: Because I heard about how he took in those rich orphans... he's my idol!

My gaze hardened and I hummed.

Me: Monty... Are you sure you want to hire him?

Monty nodded and I got up. Before I left I got close to Olaf and leaned next to his ear.

Me: I swear to god Olaf. If you try anything, I'm going to hunt you down and skin you alive.

After moving away, I let him see my not so concealed concealable weapon and moved way, I relished in the way his face paled and walked away.

Me: Try to stay with us as much as you two can, alright?

I looked at the kids and they nodded. Raymond placed a hand on my shoulder and made me look at him.

Raymond: What did you do?

Me: I didn't do anything... Just said a few words.

Raymond: You sure?

Me: When am I not?

I smiled and motioned for the kids to follow me.

'My hero' my ass,

Who does he take me for?

The most we can do right now,

Is keep those three close,

Until we get the chance to get them out and away from this house...

Raymond: What are you thinking?

Me: I'm trying to think of a way to get the kids out the house...

Klaus: So it is count Olaf?

Me: Yeah... and he's lying through his badly brushed teeth.

Violet: You are right about that.

Me: Huh?

Klaus: He can't brush properly

I smiled and let the kids in our room, I started packing our things and took out my computer.

Me: Raymond, what's the name of their aunt? Josephine Anwhistle... right?

Raymond: Yeah... I think.

Violet: What are you doing Jamie?

Me: Making sure that if you are to leave, we can find a place to settle down, if not... we'll have to take you somewhere else...

Violet: Somewhere else being?

Jamie: That's the thing... I don't know... Ray, any suggestions?

Raymond: They are staying with us!

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