Alive; v11

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Narrators POV;
-------- July 16th, 1991

EDDIE WAS NERVOUS, HE WAS nervous only because he had to ask Charlotte out.

They had a tour set in stone, and everyone agreed they wanted Charlotte to come.

Essentially, Eddie.

They, meaning the band, agreed to have Eddie tell her or ask her.

He was terrified.

Jeff, Stone, Mike, and Dave all said they'd wait at Eddie's house for when they get back to see the answer.

That still didn't calm his nerves.

"Charlotte," Eddie said as he nervously walked into her room.

She was cleaning up around the room, so she stayed quiet, Eddie got even more worried.


He turned down her music, which alarmed her.

She turned around, smiling at eddie, "Oh hey Eddie!"

"Hello," he hummed.

"Do you need something?" Charlotte asked, moving her hair from her face.

"Uh, yes," he nodded.

Charlotte was waiting for the question or what he needed, but he wouldn't look up from his shoes.


"Oh," he looked up at her, "do you wanna go for a drive.. maybe?"

"Yea, sure!" She smiled.

Her warm smile made him feel a bit better. His posture stood straight, "Great! How about.." he looked at the clock in her room.

"20 minutes?"

Charlotte looked at her pretty much cleaned room, then down at herself, "35, I need to shower."


Charlotte quickly showered and got ready. It was Seattle in summertime, so all she did was put on Jean shorts and a plain purple shirt.

She had her hair into a lower bun with pieces out and no makeup.

But eddie decided to rush her around, just because he was nervous.

"Eddie, I don't get why I was rushed just to go on a drive," Charlotte said, sliping her shoes on while Eddie drove out the neighborhood.

"Is that Jeff's car?" She asked as Eddie drove.

"No," Eddie nervously shook his head, "I only rushed you because I was bored."

"You're lying," Charlotte said, taking her foot off the seat.

"No, I'm not," he quietly said.

Eddie didn't want to drive around forever, so he decided to drive to the beach, just to watch the sunset.

"So, where we going?"

He shrugged, "Wanna watch the sunset?"

Charlotte copied him, "doesn't hurt."

The beach wasn't far from where they lived, maybe 20 minutes at least.

"Sunset it is!"

She laughed at him, looking out the window.

She knew something was up. She just couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly.

The whole car ride there made her think, instead of clearing her head, she just thought about why Eddie was so confused.

She could've sorn Jeff's car was there, she knew it was his car.

The only thing keeping her from saying something is she felt Eddie was going to soon.

The only thing keeping Eddie Sane was the music playing in the background because, in reality, he was scared.

As they arrived, Eddie got more and more nervous, and Charlotte could tell.

What was he gonna ask her?

As he parked, Charlotte turned down the music and immediately looked at Eddie.

"What's wrong?"

Eddie took breaths in and out, debating not to ask her at all and make up an excuse.

"Before I ask this, you will let me explain," Eddie stated, turning to face Charlotte.

Charlotte started to get scared. Was he gonna ask her something bad?

"Okay," she nodded, facing him with her back towards the door.

"You know that we have a tour date, right?"

Charlotte nodded, confused where the conversation was gonna go.

"And that we'd be gone for quite a while."

"Get to the point, ed," Charlotte impatiently said.

He took a breath in, prepared for any reaction she might have.

"Me- or well, the guys, want you to uh," Eddie stuttered, "come with us on tour."

Charlotte's eyes widened, "what about my work? I mean the house?"

Eddie laughed, "Like I said, Charlotte, let me explain."

"Go on!"

"Chris would watch over the house till he goes on tour, but a friend could always do it too," Eddie stated.

"You would have to quite, but that's okay! Because I'll be making money on tour."

Charlotte opened her mouth to say something, but eddie shut it quickly.

"I don't want money either, Charlotte, don't ask," he immediately said, "The guys really want you to go," he grabbed her hand.

"I really want you to go."

"You do?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes, we can clear all your doctor things and talk about that with him, I just don't want to leave you."

Charlotte's mind was racing. Should she say yes?

"Charlotte," Eddie quietly said, "will you go with on tour with me?"


Oo cliff hanger

Songs of the chapter -
You're in love - ratt

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