Alive; v7

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Narrators POV;
-------- June 27th, 1991.


Though apparently Richmond was suspicious of grace becoming more joyful from when he came over after grace got off the phone with Charlotte days prior- they still went through with the plan.

The said plan was to come by after Richmond had left for work, get all of Grace's stuff moved out, and move it into Jeff's house.

Jeff volunteered after seeing her at coffee with Charlotte.

Charlotte was confused at the eyes Jeff already had, but you know, whatever the heart wants, it gets.

So, currently, Eddie was driving Charlotte, Chris, and Mike to graces while Jeff took stone and Dave with him in the truck they had.

"I still don't get how he has room for grace, but he didn't have it for me," Charlotte said as they pulled into the driveway.

"Many reasons why," Eddie said mysteriously.

Jeff did have room, but eddie begged him to say to Charlotte that he didn't have room so she would have to stay with Eddie.


Everyone knew that, though, except her.

They all got out of the car, Jeff and all them were already there and taking apart the heavy things from gace's 'room'.

Richmond didn't let her sleep with him unless he said so, apparently.

"Charlotte!" Grace smiled as she saw Charlotte walk up.


The two had become friends over the days. It made grace really happy since it was hard to go anywhere without Richmond, so most friend outings were canceled.

"Happy to get out?" Charlotte asked, graced as they walked into the house.

"Oh, definitely."

They took the time to get EVERYTHING grace needed and wanted to keep, Jeff let her bring so much, but he didn't care that it was a lot.

It took almost 12 to get it all out, minus a few breaks here and there.

Grace was packing up her clothes with Charlotte and putting It into the car, but she noticed grace really had a style.

"You like the 70s, don't you?"

Grace laughed, "All the decades before this, I like."

"Me to, me to," Charlotte agreed, picking up a left flyer that said "pearl jam."

"You know the band?" Charlotte asked.

"Who doesn't? I've seen them play at clubs, and same with soundgareden," she laughed.

"It's hard not to freak out a little when you're moving into a band members' house, whom I use to kiss goodnight every night."

"You liked my brother?" Charlotte said, rather disgusted.

"Okay, but when you put it like that, it's rude," grace huffed as Charlotte followed her with the flyer to the car.

"Sorry! It's just my brother, you know."

"I know, I know," grace waved her off, "it's all empty now, I think I'm ready to head off."

"Jeff!" Charlotte shouted, "let's head out!"


By the time we got the room together, everyone was ethier asleep or almost alseep.

Charlotte fell asleep unknowly on Eddie, and Eddie fell asleep on the floor along with Chris and Stone.

Alive - Eddie Vedder Where stories live. Discover now