Alive; v2

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Narraters POV;
---- june 10th, 1991.

IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE DAYS SINCE Charlotte had been in the crash.

Her doctor said she was ready to go, but she couldn't be by herself - she had to have someone with her for at least a month after.

In case her side opened up.

But nobody had the space. Not even Jeff had the extra room.

But you know who did? Eddie.

"Charlotte -" Jeff tried to say but got cut off.

"Jeff," she huffed as she moved hair from her face, "it's gonna be awkward! He hates me, man."

Jeff laughed as he folded her clothes onto her bag, "No, he doesn't."

"How do you know that!"

"I just do," Jeff huffed, annoyed by his sister.

"Why can't I just have yall come see me every so often?"

"Because, if your foot long deep and bruised cut on the side of you opens up, you will bleed out."

Charlotte sighed, nodding, "might as well move in with him," she mumbled.

"You are," Jeff stated, "since I helped pay rent, there's no reason for it to be paid if no one lives there."


"So I'm selling it, and we're moving you out today!" Jeff smiled.

"What?" She shot my head to look at him, "Eddie wouldn't like that."

Charlotte swore Eddie hated her. Though it wasn't the case, she just thought Eddie would ignore her, and if she did get hurt again, Eddie wouldn't care.

"Really? Because it was his idea."


"I really liked this house," Charlotte sighed as she packed up her room.

"I know," Chris laughed, helping her pack up.

Charlotte reached for her ceiling posters, but she quickly winced at the pain of her side.

Chris shot his head over, quickly getting her down, "I'll have Eddie do that. You just get things you can reach."

"Eddie!" Chris called.

Charlotte got annoyed by the fact that she couldn't really do anything. She just wanted to be independent.

Charlotte was an independent girl. She liked to do things herself and rarely or never asked or wanted help, so given the circumstances, she wasn't happy.

"Yea?" Eddie came walking in.

"Can you get the posters up top? It hurts Charlotte to get them."

"Yeah, sure!" Eddie smiled, stepping on the latter to get them.

Her room was almost empty, really, chris was moving the rods of her bed out. She was boxing up the posters that Eddie took down, but she was still mad that someone had to do it for her.

"Are you okay?"

She looked up at Eddie, getting down from the latter, since the room was now empty.


Eddie shrugged, "You seem annoyed."

"I am, I wanted to do this myself."

Eddie took down the latter, chuckling to himself, "But you're hurt."

"That's why I'm mad."

Eddie laughed as he took the latter out of the room, making Charlotte even more annoyed.

Alive - Eddie Vedder Where stories live. Discover now