Jimin's head spun in 50 million directions as he walked down the hallway. His hair was sticking out in all 50 million directions from how much he has been running his hand through it in frustration.

He pitied the young maiden who has been put under Taehyung's captivity. He desperately wanted to help her but he couldn't find a way to sneak her out.... til an idea finally hui him! But he wasn't sure it was going to work because of how risky it was but it was worth a shot.

He went to sleep in Taehyung's room because he knew Taehyung was definitely not sleeping there tonight; He was too tired too go home or call a driver plus him staying over will increase the chances of his plans actually working

Jimin literally threw himself on Taehyung's bed. "Man, this guy always knows the best things. It's like he has a thing for them. He really does know the best ones.." Jimin said as he looked to the side at the wall before soon falling asleep.

The Next Day
Jennie woke up in her room with a complete knock out headache. She held her head as she sat up to soothe the pain. She groaned as she stretched and adjusted to her surrounding.

*How did I get to my room? Oh sorry My prison cell* She thought as she scoffed and memories from last night ran through her mind faster than lightening.

*I know it was Jimin. It most definitely has to be him* Jennie thought as she looked out the window to see a whole flower bed of Purple, Yellow and White Hyacinths; her favorite flowers.

*Is this his way of cooling?* Jennie thought trying to forgive Taehyung but failed as she shook the idea off her head remembered how he treated her last night.

She laid back in her bed thinking about her fate when a knock was heard on her door. She hesitated to answer but the person walked in without permission and closed the door quickly.

"Oh Jimin, it's you? Good morning" Jennie said sadly. "Hey.... You ok?" Jimin asked. "Thanks for taking me to my room after I fell asleep" Jennie completely ignored Jimin's question and he let out a heavy sigh.

"I think otherwise. Have you had breakfast?" Jimin asked but Jennie just looked at him with dead eyes. "I guess no. Let's go get you something to eat" Jimin said as he came closer to Jennie's bed.

"You know Taehyung said I'm supposed to stay here for a week! I can't go anywhere even if I wanted to. He even took Chaeyoung away from me" Jennie said with sadness lacing her voice as she looked to her side avoiding eye contact with the blue haired male.

"No one will question us and you can freely come eat" Jimin said. "Jimin, you don't have to do this for me. I'm fine, after all I AM Taehyung's property so he can do with me as he pleases" Jennie said sadly as she looked into Jimin's eyes with great despair.

"So you're gonna let him do anything with you just because he bought you? You're gonna let him do just about anything to you because you're his property" Jimin said than asked and in his tone it made Jennie start re-thinking.

"It's better that I know that I'm nothing to him than knowing my own mother is mistreating me. SHE WAS GOING TO USE ME FOR MONEY, JIMIN!!!" Jennie yelled as tears built up in her eyes.

"YOU THINK TAEHYUNG'S NOT GOING TO USE YOU FOR THE EXACT SAME THING!!!! ONLY DIFFERENCE IS YOU WON'T GET PAID FOR YOUR SERVICES!!!" Jimin yelled out of frustration without thinking which made Jennie shocked and scared.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. That's out of context and line. Taehyung wouldn't do that but he WILL keep you here as a prisoner, a diversion, A DISTRACTION. Whenever a mission goes haywire, you're gonna be the bait. Just follow me, just this once I want to make you happy, permanently" Jimin said sadly as he took Jennie's hands in his.

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