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My name is Kang Jennie. I'm 24 years old. I live in Ilsan but I was born in Daegu. I don't have a normal life. I was raised by a drug addict, abusive, toxic and alcoholic Mom. My Father abandoned us when I was just 2 years old so I remember almost nothing about him. Him and Mom weren't even married so he never came back for me. When he was around, he would protect me from Mom but as he left, the beatings and abusing intensified. I learned how to cook from watching people on the TV secretly at the age of 5. Mom would never cook and was always out so I had to fend for myself though, sometimes our neighbors would feed me and give me clothes secretly. I went to the 1st grade at the age of 7 and I was the oldest one there so most of the time, I considered my classmates my little siblings. Most of the other kids at school called me stupid because I was 8 in the 1st grade what they didn't know was My Mom refused to send me to school and kept me home like a prisoner but she soon she gave in and sent me to school because the neighbors were giving her nasty looks. At school, I had a huge and bright fake smile on my face to cover up and hide my real self from my classmates. I completed school as the top student with honor rolls. Nobody at my school knew about my situation except the school administration. After college which I won a scholarship for, I got a job at a coffee shop and a convience store and started working part times to support myself and my Mom. She never loved or cared for me but I always yearned for her motherly love. She would often ask me for money to buy drugs or alcohol and if I didn't have the money, she would beat me up with anything she could find if she had a cigarette in her hand she would burn me. I am living the most tragic life but I still have a fake smile on my face to please the other people around me. Little did I know my worse was yet to come.

I'm Kim Taehyung commonly known by many names such as The Mafia King and so many others. I run 1 of the 7 most powerful and strongest Mafia Empires in the whole world. I am feared by all because with a snap of my finger everything can go down hill. I work in the shadows just like a phantom which earns me many nicknames. No one has ever played me and gotten away with it. I have a tragic past I never share with anyone except my members. We all run the empire together. They run different sections but I run the main one. The police know that I'm part of The Bulletproof Mafias so they always try their best to take us down. Will something happen or should I make something happen?

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