The Mafia Himself

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I was blindfolded and a little scared. I don't know much about Mafias but I know about the Bulletproof Mafias who are the most feared and dangerous Mafia group to ever exist.

I heard some customers talking about them in the convenience store. "We're here" Seojun said. They wrapped their jackets around me carefully without touching my body then they took off my blindfold to see an amazing and beautiful yet scary mansion .
Boss's house

The men guided while surrounding me and I walked to the front the door

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The men guided while surrounding me and I walked to the front the door. The place was also tightly secured and protected by many men with Guns.

When we arrived the front door, some of the men left us and some took me inside. They brought me to a small room and told me to sit on the bed, I got scared and started shivering. "We won't do anything to you. Just sit there quietly until Boss arrives." Seojun said.

I nodded reluctantly and sat in the middle of the bed and he stood at the door to reassure me. He threw me a blindfold and told me to put it on.

"The Boss will be here any minute now. We have to get going" Seojun said as they locked me alone in the dark room.

I cried a little and put the blindfold on while raising my knees to my chest and hugging myself.

A while later
Seojun was waiting seriously at the front door when a black car came through the gates and around the fountain. A black shoe emerged from the car first then a Man dressed in completely black stepped out of the car.

"Welcome Home, Boss" Seojun said while bowing. The man walked in with Seojun following closely behind. The man walked to the living room where he was greeted by every single staff in his mansion.

He went to the living room and the man's secretary said "Welcome Home, Master Kim". He sat in the living room for a while resting with both his secretary and his right hand man next to him.

"Seojun, Where is she?" Taehyung said with no emotion in his voice. "In the room in the east wing" Seojun answered. "Bring her" Taehyung commanded. "Yes Boss" Seojun answered and went to some maids.

"There is a girl in the small room in the east wing, give her appropriate wear then bring her down." Seojun ordered and the maids obeyed.

They opened my room and I got scared a little. A man grabbed me and stood me up from the bed now I was really scared the next thing I know I feel people touching me

I wanted to scream and tell them to let go when I realize some big hands are carefully putting on a shirt on that bra like crop top without touching me and some smaller hands are putting on loose long trousers on me.

I tried to stop trembling and stay still They didn't talk to me once and I realized since I got here I've only spoken to anyone except the man with an ear piece (Seojun).

After that, I was being ushered by them somewhere. I was still blindfolded so I couldn't see. The smaller hands held my hands behind my back and........HANDCUFFED THEM?!?!?!??. *What's going on? Why did they handcuff me? What's their boss like?* I asked myself.

So many thoughts ran through my mind I couldn't even think straight at all. I found myself going down stairs

At the end of the stairs, A door opened in front of me and I was ushered inside then I was pushed lightly to the floor and my head hit someone's shoe

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At the end of the stairs, A door opened in front of me and I was ushered inside then I was pushed lightly to the floor and my head hit someone's shoe.

"Ouch" I said in a low tone. "This her?" Taehyung asked in his deep as the ocean voice and cold passed through my body.

"Yes Boss" a familiar voice answered. I faced downwards at the floor with the blindfold on I was struggling to keep my balance to hold myself up because my hands were cuffed then suddenly,

I felt a very cold hand hold my chin upwards. I got scared and my body became tense and started trembling again. "Relax" A person said in a very deep voice.

"Fair skin, straight long black hair, hourglass figure, chubby cheeks, heart shaped lips and....... it's a shame I can't see your eyes. I really like pretty eyes and I can judge a person by just their eyes so......" He said and it became silent then I suddenly saw light when a guard took off my blindfold then.... I saw him.

The man holding my chin had his face just inches away from mine and I swear he looked like a real life anime character. He was so beautiful and not just beautiful but hot too I didn't know what to do or how to feel and he was staring straight into my eyes.

"She also has very beautiful eyes" Taehyung said with a dry scoffic chuckle. I was too stunned to speak I never knew Mafia leaders were this handsome.

"What's your name?" Taehyung asked. "Huh?" I said in a low tone. "YOUR. NAME." He said with sarcasm in his voice. "K-kang Jennie" I replied.

"Jennie, huh? I see. Take her back to the room you brought her from and take off those handcuffs they'll leave marks, she's a human being, not a dog" Taehyung said emotionlessly as he pushed my chin away slightly violently and left to his room.

They took off the handcuffs and walked me gently back to the room but at least there was light now and it was beautiful. "Where do I sleep?" I asked and they looked at me confused.

"Back at my house my Mom makes me sleep on the floor in a store room" I said and they looked at me shocked then pointed at the bed. "Are you sure?" I asked and they nodded. "Your boss wouldn't mind? I don't want to get you fired or anything" I said and they just insisted by pointing at the bed

"Thank you" I said but no one replied and they left quietly. "A bed. When was the last time I slept on one of these? Is it safe to lay down comfortably on it? Earlier I was so scared, I didn't really notice I was on a bed." I said to myself out loud. I climbed on the bed and laid down. It was so comfortable I just got Lost and fell asleep almost immediately.

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