The Bulletproof Mafia Empire

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It had been so long since I slept on a real bed so I slept longer than usual and I mean as in 15:00pm. I only felt someone lightly stroking me. I jolted up because I thought it was my Mom and forgot I was in a Mafia Boss's mansion then I realized it was a maid. "Miss are you ok? You've slept for quite a while" The maid said. "No I'm ok. Just it's been a long time since I last slept on a real bed so my body really felt comfortable today" I said with a smile. "Miss I came up earlier with your breakfast. I knocked but you didn't answer so I left and I kept passing by your room to check if you were awake but you weren't then right now I just brought your lunch which I should have brought 2 hours ago please don't tell Master Taehyung or he'll do something really bad to me." She explained. "What will he do to you? Is he really bad?" I whispered. "Pft no, Master Taehyung, no way. He may act cold and distant but he has a very loving and forgiving heart but the right one hasn't really shown up to open it plus he might actually do something to me" The maid said comfortably. "So what's this Mafia leader's name?" I asked. "You don't know?" She asked and shook my head telling her no. "Well he's a member of Bulletproof Mafia Empire and one of the leaders." She said. "I know about them but I don't know about the leaders nor their names." I said. "Well this is the 6th member in age and his name is Kim Taehyung." She said. "Taehyung" I repeated. "Yes and...."she said as he saw something out the window and dashed out of my room. "I'm sorry I have to go real quick. We're not allowed to talk to you. Please Don't Tell Master Taehyung Bye" she said as she left my room. I was shocked but I looked at the food she brought for me and it was a large amount of food. *Was she feeding 5 people with this food? This is the first time I eat this well. Let's enjoy it while it lasts* I said while digging in. Mid eating, I started crying and thinking about my life. My whole life I've been tortured and abused then suddenly I'm in mansion as a captive obviously then I finally get to sleep on a bed and eat to my heart's content. I'm very skinny too skinny and I weigh 19 kg. I cried for a while before Seojun passed in front of my door and heard me crying then entered. I explained everything I was thinking about to him. "Don't worry Boss is very kind don't mind his cold appearance. Ummm Right now Boss has a meeting and he needs me there so would you like to go to the garden?" He offered and my teary eyes lit up. He took me downstairs to the back yard to see a beautiful garden. Just it's view only calms me down. He gestured me to sit a chair to get a better view of the garden. I sat there enjoying the scenery when he asked for my hand. I reluctantly gave him my hand and he chained me to a pillar while I was sitting. The chain only went up to 10 meters. "I'm very sorry about this but Boss' orders" He apologized. "No worries as long as I'm outside I'm fine." I said and he was about leaving when I said "Wait sir, what's your name?". "Park Seojun" he responded. "Ok Bye Seojun-ssi" I said and he left smiling.

Before that
The reason why the maid left in a hurry is because she spotted Bulletproof Mafia leaders car coming to the mansion so she will be definitely needed downstairs for many things. The car arrived in front of Taehyung's Mansion and 6 handsome men in black stepped out. "Welcome Masters" The maids and guards outside greated. They all made their way to Taehyung's office with every guard and maid bowing as they pass by. The guards in front of Taehyung's office opened the door to reveal Taehyung reading some files on his desk. The men kept a cold face then when the guards closed the doors they changed
"Taehyung hyung" The Mafia with a piercing on his lip and eyebrow said in a cute voice. "Not now Jungkook" Taehyung said. "Ah come on Loosen up Taehyung ah" The Mafia with sunglasses and dimples said while sitting in the lounge. "Anyway down to business" The Cold Mafia said. "Ah Yoongi - ah always with business this business that. We just got here let's rest a bit then business." The WWH Mafia said. "Fine Hyung 5 minutes You hear me 5 minutes" The cold Mafia said while sitting on the same couch as the Mafia with dimples and The Cold Mafia closed his eyes. "The Scarlett Rays have attacked our warehouse in Rome" Taehyung said coldly without taking his eyes off the files. "WHAT?!?!? How did they even get as close to the warehouse as that? What were the guards thinking?" The Mafia with cute visuals said. "Jimin let's calm down and think rationally. Taehyung did they destroy or take anything?" The Mafia with sunshine eyes said. "No they just had a sweet and nice chat with our guards" The Cold Mafia said sarcastically "Of course they must have destroyed things." The cold Mafia shouted. "Yoongi calm down it isn't the time to get angry instead let's find a way to take them down. They are a very small group that can be crushed easily" The WWH Mafia said. "Ok here's the plan." Taehyung said and they started plotting. After the meeting, they had found a solution to the Scarlett Rays problem and they asked a maid to bring up some tea. The Mafia with Cute Visuals drank his Tea while looking out the window at the garden when he saw something really blurry then he looked closely and saw a girl (me) just sitting on a chair. "Uhhh Taehyung who is she and why is she chained?" The Mafia with Cute Visuals asked. Taehyung raised his head and looked at the guy then continued drinking his Tea. "Oh so you're going to be like that huh? I'll find out myself then" The Cute Mafia said as all the members looked out the window to see the girl. "Seojun-ssi!!!" The Cute Mafia shouted and Seojun entered the office. "Who is that girl in the garden?" The Cute Mafia asked. "Master Jimin" Seojun said and looked at Taehyung who gave a small nod. "Her Name is Kang Jasmine." Seojun answered. "Why is she here?" The Mafia with sunshine eyes asked. "She is Master Taehyung's captive" Seojun answered. "Why is she chained up? She doesn't look like she can escape" The WWH Mafia said. "That's strictly Master Taehyung's orders" Seojun answered. "How did she become Taehyung hyung's captive?" The Mafia with piercings asked. "I'm sorry Master Jungkook but only Master Taehyung or Jennie herself can tell you that" Seojun said. All the members looked at Taehyung but he didn't utter a word. "Ok Thanks for the information Seojun You may leave" The Cold Mafia said. "You have to admit she is beautiful" The Mafia with dimples said and Taehyung choked on his Tea and started coughing. "Namjoon hyung isn't lying tho Tae" The cute Mafia said with an eye smile. "Anyway I'm going downstairs" The cute Mafia said. "Why?" The Mafia with sunshine eyes asked. "Nothing Hyung I just want to go downstairs that's all" The Cute Mafia said mysteriously. "Ok" The WWH Mafia said. As the cute Mafia was about leaving, "We'll follow you to wherever you're going" Taehyung said in a deep voice and the other Mafias turned to look at him. "Oh Jealous Already are we Taehyung." The Cute Mafia said laughing as he left to go downstairs with Taehyung and the other Mafias following closely.

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