Love Is Not What You Think.

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It was a cold night, the talent show has ended, and Enid went back to her dormspeechless. Quiet and nervous, not wanting to see Wednesday after the event she just experienced emotionally.

She sat on her bed staring at Wednesdays side, she stood up and slowly walked to her side. She stared at all the little details engraved into the wood, and glided her hands across Wednesdays blanket and sighed deeply to herself.  Enid accepting these emotions sat back on her bed and layed down staring at the ceiling.

A couple of minutes later her dorm room door opened.


I layed there for what it felt like hours, no music just me myself and I until the door opened and my anxiety flooded in. My palms were sweaty and i sat up quickly on my bed.


Wednesday entered the dorm tired from carrying her cello up all the stairs by herself , being joined by thing on her shoulder. Her dress flowed Into the room elegantly,  after placing her cello on its stand, she spun on her heel and faced Enid "you were amazing Wednesday" Enid said with a shaky voice "thank you Enid" Wednesday said approaching closer to Enid "however would you like to tell me why you have been acting beculiar?" Wednesday said coldy crossing her arms, enids nerves grew more. Enid stood up and stared into Wednesdays cold, life drained eyes and took a step closer, only being a couple of centre meters away" Wednesday after everything we have been through iv grown closer and closer to you emotionally, and today after seeing you on that stage, something snapped in me and new what these bipolar emotions were from, Wednesday " Enid said breathing in deeply" i think i like you "." i like you too Enid you are a nice friend" Wednesday said with a plain expression on her face. Enid sighed "no Wednesday, i like like you." Enid said with a shaky voice "oh" Wednesday face dropped and her face grew concerned


"i think i like like you" Enid said in front of me "oh" i blurted out. She like likes me? As in romantically, how do i feel about this? Do I want this?  enids voice breaks my train of thought "Wednesday hey um just forget I said anything okay" Enid said going to turn around.


Enid went to go turn around with an aching heart  as she was about to Wednesday grabbed her wrist "wait" she said with a calm tone "Enid listen" Wednesday said while tightening her grip on enids arm. "i cant. I'm sorry. Its not you. You are amazing and the last thing I want to do is hurt you or bring you pain, because you are the only one
Thing I truly care about. But currently I don't even know who I am truly  amd I don't think im Ready for Any type of relationship. I truly apologise." Wednesday said while now gripping both of enids hands. Tears welled up in enids eyes" i should have known. I'm sorry I ruined this friendship with my feelings " she said pulling away from Wednesdays grip," Enid " Wednesday said softly." im sorry " Enid said stepping back" Enid it's okay. Don't cry "Wednesday said" im so sorry "Enid said covering her face and she ran out of the dorm.
In embarrassment

It was late and everyone was sleeping comfortably in thier beds.
Expect Enid,  after the realisation she came to and the embarrassment she just experienced, so she sat  outside in the courtyard staring at herself in the deflective water, looking at every feature on her face, her watercolour blue eyes and her stringy blond hair "what is wrong with me" she thought to herself as a tear fell from her eye, not wanting to cry she covered her face with her frail shaky hands. "you ruined it" she said as her voice broke

"I just want to be normal" Enid said out loud. As echoed through out the halls, anger rose inside of her, anger she has never felt before. She took one more glance into the cold  water, staring deeply into her pained filled eyes before getting up and running through the halls and out of the school.


Listen here you little gremlins. Don't comment about my spelling mistakes it's 2 in the morning and im dead.

I will edit it tomorrow, but i just wanted to get this out tonight for you all.

Enjoy being in more pain <3

(760 words)

-Forbbiden Feelings - (Wednesday x Enid) Where stories live. Discover now