Chapter 6 : Part 3

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(this is gonna be a long chapter so get popcorn and a drink y'all ;)! )


After I ran off the fairest wheel i searched for yoko but i couldn't find her anywhere 'cmon where would a vampire be' i thought to myself as I scanned the stools and rides. After around 5 minutes of searching I found her talking to Eugene, "Yoko I have a 911" i said speed walking up to her, she said bye to Eugene and spun around quickly, "im here Enid what's up" she said in a curious tone, i grabbed her arm and led her away from the crowd.

Once we were at a quiet place I let go of her and started rambiling, "so your telling me you called  Wednesday addams beautiful and realising what you said you ditch her to find, me....... YOU DITCHED HER... TO FIND ME?!" Yoko said loudly to me like i was stupid. "WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO SIT THERE AND BE CHILL" i said panicking. She stared at me and said, "yes Enid. That's exactly what you were supposed to do" she said  face-palming herself. "now because you have done this Wednesday is gonna think that something is wrong, i love you Enid but fuck your stupid" Yoko said smiling at me. I just stood there gob-smacked "for fuck sake" I said as I got annoyed at myself.  After the conversation I decided to stick with yoko.


I sat at the bench for a good half a hour before the barista boy came up to me, Tyler was it? Yeah I think it was, "hey you alright you look really upset? Or like alone" Tyler said with his hand behind his head smiling. "yes im okay, and my emotions are pretty stable at the moment" I said coldly to him. "ah well is it okay if i join you?", "no" i said seriously. "I'm still going to" Tyler said calmy sitting next to me, he started talking about the fair, while he was doing this a student from nevermore was running into the woods i could tell because they were wearing out black and blue stripped uniform , it caught my attention so I told Tyler I was going to find Enid, i lied to him of course.

After leaving Tyler by the bench I followed the student into the woods, i followed them for about 10 minutes before they noticed me and turned around.  "rowan? Why are you out here?" i questioned him.

"to lure you out here" he said staring at me darkly before I could reply i was slammed hard against the tree and groaned loudly, "rowan stop" i said with little to no breath as this force was tietining around my neck, I was getting weak, suddenly I fall from the tree then hit the ground and hear a roar, blood splattered everywhere, i looked up to see a huge monster leaning over rowans dead body, it turned its head and it has these wiry teeth that had blood stains all over them and huge eyes, where its pupils were small like it was on molly or something.

It stared at me like it knowed me, i was scared, really fucking scared which was new for me since this would have been a thrill for me. But it wasn't, i was terrified.

Next thing i know it disappeared before me and i was left with rowans dead body. I called the police without giving my name and left the area to go back to the bus as it Was getting late.  I got on the bus and hid at the back with my hood up not wanting anyone to see me or sit next to me because of the bruses and scratches on my face.


Me and yoko were having a blast on all the rides, however we were starting to get hungry so we texted the group chat to meet up by the wheel and have food together, we all got together but Wednesday was nowhere to be seen "Where's Wednesday?" i said worried, "last place I saw her she was talking to this dude Tyler" ajax said to me, i blushed and felt Jelouse?. Anyway we all sat down and ate.

Yoko whispered to me "so Enid, you like ajax and Wednesday?" "What?! No I only like ajax??" I whisper shouted back to her "sure" she said smirking while drinking from her blood bag ,'this bitch'  i thought to myself while rolling my eyes.

-Forbbiden Feelings - (Wednesday x Enid) Where stories live. Discover now