Y/N ran through the corridors, avoiding teachers until he found the bathroom where Hermione had spend the afternoon crying, he heard a troll let out a roar and Hermione scream, he took action and kicked the door open.

Y/N ran through the corridors, avoiding teachers until he found the bathroom where Hermione had spend the afternoon crying, he heard a troll let out a roar and Hermione scream, he took action and kicked the door open

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Y/N looked at the Troll as it turned to look at him.

"Mione, run for it, this is no place for a lady." Y/N said as he turned to the door with the sign. "Right, point made."

The Troll hit Y/N with it's club, sending him flying into a wall. As Y/N stood back up Y/N ducked under the incoming club and delivered a powerful punch to the trolls leg, earning a pained roar from it. Harry and Ron arrived.

"Get Hermione to safety, I've got this feller." Y/N said as he cracked his neck. The troll picked him up and slammed him through all of the toilet cubicles before slamming him into the wall. Y/N let out a pained groan which was over taken by a growl.

When Y/N turned to looked at the creature, his face was covered in a beard despite his age, his whole body had grown more hair, his hands had become clawed a the ends, eyes had changed to that of a wolf.

When Y/N turned to looked at the creature, his face was covered in a beard despite his age, his whole body had grown more hair, his hands had become clawed a the ends, eyes had changed to that of a wolf

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"Okay pea-brain, you asked for this." Y/N growled before charging, he climbed onto the trolls back and clawed at it's throat leaving three distinct claw marks on it's throat, he then clawed at it's eye but it pulled him from it's back, Y/N avoided the strikes from the club until Ron disarmed the Troll, he escaped it's grasp and climbed up to the trolls shoulder before jamming his clawed right hand into the creatures shoulder, right where the arm meets the shoulder joint, he pivoted his hands until he heard a crunchy pop and then pulled, The trolls arm was torn off, and Y/N left it next to the troll that had gone into shock.

Hermione looked at the troll on the floor.

"Is it dead?"

"No, just passed out." Y/N said as he set about looking at the troll before he reverted back from his half werewolf form and back to his normal form.

"Oh, my goodness. Explain yourselves, all of you!" McGonagall said as Harry and Ron went to explain until Hermione interrupted.

"It's my fault professor McGonagall." Hermione claimed as Ron and Harry looked shocked while Y/N looked subtly impressed.

"Miss Granger." McGonagall said in disbelief.

"If they hadn't found me, I'd be dead now. Y/N and the boys fought it. They didn't have time to come and fetch anyone. It was about to finish me off when they arrived."

Harry and Ron tried to look as though this story wasn't news to them.

"Well- in that case..." said Professor McGonagall, staring at the three of them, "Miss Granger, you foolish girl, how could you think of tackling a mountain troll on your own?"

Hermione hung her head. Harry was speechless. Hermione was the last person to do anything against the rules, and here she was, pretending she had, to get them out of trouble. It was as if Snape had started handing out sweets.

"Miss Granger, five points will be taken from Gryffindor for this," said Professor McGonagall. "I'm very disappointed in you. If you're not hurt at all, you'd better get off to Gryffindor tower. Students are finishing the feast in their houses."

Hermione left.

Professor McGonagall turned to Y/N, Harry and Ron.

"Well, I still say you were lucky, but not many first years could have taken on a full-grown mountain troll. You each win Gryffindor five points. And Mr Malfoy you have won Slytherin ten points." McGonagall said as Y/N smiled. "...for sheer dumb luck!"

"P-p-perhaps you ought to go. M-might wake up." Quirrell said as he let out a nervous laugh.

"Good for you to get us out of trouble like that." Harry said gratefully.

"Mind you, we did save her life!" Ron said as Y/N gave him a joking slap around the back of the head.

"Hermione wouldn't have needed saving if you hadn't insulted her." Harry and Y/N pointed out as Ron huffed.

"What are friends for." Ron said as Hermione smiled at him. Y/N just shook his head at Ron's determination to not say sorry outright.

As Y/N and the three Gryffindors were about to part ways, Hermione spoke.

"You know Y/N...You're not as bad as everyone says you are."

And with that Y/N smiled before lighting his cigarette and beginning his walk back to the Slytherin common room.

As Green As Grass [Daphne Greengrass x Male Werewolf Reader]Where stories live. Discover now