Chapter 15

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Tom led me to his bedroom. I had never been in his bedroom, his room screamed Tom, it mirrored the type of man he was. All black. Black satin sheets, pillow sheets even his backboard on his bed was black. Probably black like his soul. He had only one thing in his room that wasn't black. A small red electric guitar. Nicely placed on a stand in a corner of his room. It looked old, and worn. "I see my guitar has caught your eye" he said to me. "Yeah, I mean it is the only non black thing you have in here." He stares at the guitar, his tongue playing with his lip piercing. "I suppose so. It was the guitar I used to debut what at the time our band name was. Devilish." Fitting name I thought to myself.

Now that I had thought about it. I didn't really know much about Tom and his band. I only knew the business or behind the scenes of his life. "What's the band like?" I asked him. "I don't know what you mean." He said, grabbing blankets from his closet. "Do you enjoy being in a band." He walks over to me. Sitting beside me in his bed. "There's been times where I've wanted to be replaced by someone else. But I guess my brother is the one who keeps me there. It's the one thing I seem to actually like." Our gaze Lock together with intensity.. it feels like I got closer to his heart. He's feeling it. None of us would be able to walk away from each other after that night.

This is the beginning of something, whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not. "Will I ever get to see you play?" I asked him. He stared at me for a moment, deciding on what to say. "You should hydrate." Did I say something wrong?


Tom took care of me. Tucked me into bed and forced me to hydrate so I'd feel better the next morning. "Thank you for tonight, Tom" I said, slightly embarrassed by the little kid treatment he was giving me. I felt like a child. "Don't do it again" he said to me, in his typical cold tone. "I don't understand you Tom." I said putting my hand to my forehead. "Your words are horrible to me as if I'm some curse to you. And yet you still take care of me. Your actions don't match your words. Which Tom are you? Which man?


She left me speechless. Seeing my duality, reading me while I should be reading into her. I had almost opened up to her. ' Will I get to see you play?' She asked the same question someone familiar asked me. They didn't make it in time to ever see me play. But this is no fairytale. "Not a good one. I'll show you the man I am and I promise you, you'll come running away, hoping you'd never asked. But I warn you. Trying to get with a man like Roman, he isn't worth your time." I wasn't even worth her time. But Roman. I wanted to kill him. Kill him for being so close to her. Kill him for hurting her. "Jealous?" She says to me, a smirk developing on her face. Yes. Of course I was jealous. She was mine after all.

It's what I wanted to tell her. But I stayed quiet. My silence was the only thing I could give her. "You're not so cold blooded after all." She says to me, reading me, seeing through my soul and mind. "Or perhaps you just hate everyone." She says, rolling her eyes. "I do." I replied, "Just ask your father if I'm not cruel. I'll bet he'd say otherwise." Her father knew very well I was cruel. After all, I was going to destroy him. And make sure he can no longer cause harm to anyone else. Not after what he did to....her, the woman who had saved me.

"I'll be leaving now." I said to her. I may have let her stay in my bed but I was a gentleman. She wasn't mine to enjoy a bed with. Yet. "If I fall asleep in your arms tonight, I may actually get some rest." "No. You don't need me around. You won't want me around you." "Tonight, I do. Please. I don't want to be alone." I never held a woman. Not in a romantic way at least. "Just a bit. I'll wait until you fall asleep." I had lied. All night I watched her. I couldn't risk her choking on her own vomit because of her reckless actions. "It's as if I have a protector..." she says to me, clearly half asleep. But I was no hero. No she would realize this very soon. Once she was mine. She'd wish to escape.... Once she found out.

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