Chapter 9: it's hard saying goodbye

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"Ben, it was very obvious."

"Well, I guess..."

"You should talk to Saanvi. You won't be married soon, so..."

"Michaela! I've been married to Grace for almost 20 years. It's going to take time to get over her. I still love her, and I hate that we're getting a divorce, but..."

"You also have feelings for Saanvi. We know."

"That's not what I was going to say."

"Okay, then what?"

"I was going to say that I can't move on from Grace that quickly."

"Fine. Anyway, what else have you been up to?"

"Well," Ben said with a sigh. "I got ice cream for the kids after Cal's appointment. We all had to go because Grace wanted to come, and we couldn't leave Olive alone."

"Oh yeah," Mick said. "Saanvi called me and told me."

"Wow, I'm really enjoying this!" He said sarcastically. "You guys really share everything with each other?"

"Not everything!"

Michaela heard another voice ask, "Who are you talking to?"

"It's just Mick," Ben said.

"Okay," Grace said. "I had to make sure it wasn't Saanvi."

"Do you have a problem with her?" Ben asked.

"Okay, bye, bye Ben," Mick said quickly and hung up.

"Yeah, that doesn't look good," she said.

"Yes, I do have a problem right now," Grace said.

"Grace, can we please go one second without arguing?" He said this after checking at his phone and realized she had hung up. "Great. Michaela hung up because you had to start something."

"Ben, I just wanted to know if you still care."

"Yes, Grace. Why should you care? We are getting divorced! That was YOUR desire, not mine!"

Grace was speechless and unsure what to say. Ben suddenly heard footsteps down the stairs.

"Guys!" Olive said. "Please put an end to the fighting. We can hear you all the way down here."

"Yeah," Cal agreed. "I can't handle all of this fighting."

"Fine. "I'm leaving right now!" Ben replied.

"Dad... what?" Olive said.

"I'm going." You can come if you want."

Grace asked, slightly worried "Where will you stay?"

"Why do you care, Grace?" You said you hope we don't end up on the streets! "Don't you think I can find a place to stay?" Ben was enraged.

"GUYS!" Cal screamed.

"Please... stop!" Olive yelled.

"I'll pack my things and leave tonight. You are welcome to come  if you so want. Stay with your mother if you want."

"Dad... you don't mean this."

"I do. You can send me the court date. I'll be there."

"We'll be there," Olive assured him.

"Olive..." Cal began.

"I'm sorry." You can come if you want?"

"No," Grace said flatly. "We should each get at least one of the kids. it's fair that way. "

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