Chapter 5: let's face it

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The next day
Michaela was walking into the precinct early this time, and not looking at her phone. She went over to the coffee machine to see that there was no more coffee, and Jared was there. She was surprised to see Jared there as he usually didn't arrive this early. As she started to walk away, Jared called out to her to say good morning.

"You took all the coffee?" she asked.

"Good morning to you, too. And no."

"Then what are you drinking?"


"Mhm. Sure." Michaela said.

"You know, I'm really not looking for an argument."

"Me neither," Michaela says.

Michaela gets a text from her phone, smiles, and laughs slightly. Jared just stares at her. Jared is confused by Michaela's reaction, so he stares at her as she reads the text on her phone. The text must have been funny or interesting because she smiled and laughed slightly.

Zeke: See you tonight!

Zeke and Michaela weren't necessarily a couple. They were just friends, going out for dinner, but Michaela wanted it to be more. She wanted her husband back. Despite this, Michaela still held out hope that she and Zeke could one day be together.

Michaela looks back up from her phone and puts it in the back pocket of her jeans. Michaela is happy to be going out with Zeke tonight and is looking forward to it.

"Not a lot of crime going on right now," Jared says, trying to make conversation.


"So who is the lucky guy?"

"Why do you keep saying that?"


"Because of what?"

"I know that look on your face when you're in love with someone."

"Fine. I am. He's someone special," she replied with a smile." His name is Zeke. He was my hu- never mind."

"You moved on that fast already?"

Mick didn't answer. Mick's silence was a sign that she in fact, moved on quickly.

"I'm happy for you," Jared says, feeling hurt.

"Thanks," Michaela says awkwardly.

Jared's response was a nice way of hiding his own feelings of envy and hurt. He was trying to put on a brave face and be supportive of Michaela's relationship, but his true feelings came through in his tone and body language.




It's the next morning, and Cal decides to go to Olive's room.

"Wake up." He said, standing in her room. "We're going to the station."

"Why?" She said, rubbing her eyes.

"We need to talk to Aunt Mick!"

"What about breakfast? I'm hungry, and plus who is driving us?"

"Dad.. or Mom?"

"Ugh. Fine, but you're asking, not me." She said, sitting up.

"Okay. I'll ask Dad."

Cal runs downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey, Cal," Grace says.

"Breakfast isn't made yet?" He asks.

"I'm about to make it right now."

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