Chapter 3: spill the beans

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Ben didn't answer her phone call. She figured he was busy. Well he was eating dinner so it made sense. She tried not to worry too much about it. She was still thinking about Ben, but then Alex. It confused her she didn't really know what she wanted.

Ben and Grace are still at the dinner table. It was silence for a few minutes before Ben decided to say something.

"The kids aren't going to get any sleep after this."

"Well it's not like they aren't always hyper," Grace said.

"Shall we find out?" Mick said.

It wasn't long before Cal had been going through her closet.

"Woah buddy," Mick said. "I was just joking."

"No, no, no. There's something in here I have to find. It's in here somewhere."

"Look buddy all I see is clothes and shoes."

"Well, then she must've hid it well."

"Hid what?" Olive asked.

"These," Cal said holding divorce papers.

Mick quickly took the papers. " W-what how do you know about this? They're getting a divorce?"

She set the papers on the ground.

"Just let me explain," Cal said. "A couple of months ago, I couldn't sleep so I wanted to get a warm glass of milk when I heard mom and dad arguing. They were talking about divorces, but I guess they sort of worked things out and didn't want to say anything they would later regret. Well from what I know they didn't get a divorce so mom hid the papers. Mom normally hides stuff from us in her closet that she doesn't want us knowing or getting too. She doesn't know that we know. This was just a great excuse to look in her closet to find out if I was just imagining this."

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, wait," Mick said holding her hands out. "You're saying your mom showed your dad some divorce papers, he convinced her not to because she didn't want her to regret this, and she hid them in her closet."

"Pretty much. I mean where else would she hide them?"

"Trash, maybe. So you don't leave a trail of evidence." Mick said.

"Wow," Olive said. "This is really bad."

"Um, I'm gonna put these papers back right where we found them.." Mick said feeling on edge. "Snacks anyone?"

"If we can find them," Olive said.

"Well," Mick said. "If Cal can find divorce papers we can find this."

After a few minutes, they end up finding them.

"Alrighty," Mick said putting the box of snacks down. "Pick two."

Cal and Olive gave Mick a "seriously" look.


"4." Olive said.



"Fine! 4, but you guys better go to sleep tonight. I don't wanna hear complaints from your parents."

"Thanks, Aunt Mick you're the best," Olive said reaching in for a hug.

"Yeah, yeah just hide like the other two in your pockets or something. Just in case. Also, we've been up here for quite some time. I think we're starting to get suspicious.

Ben and Grace heard the kids and Mick come downstairs after like 5 minutes.

"What took so long?" Grace asked.

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