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No one POV

It only took Keefe a couple days to recover. He wasn't happy but he had come to expect it. It took Sophie months. When her original due date came she cried harder than she ever had before. After about a year they started trying again. It took them two years before Sophie got pregnant again.

Elwin told her that this pregnancy wasn't going to be as hard on her but she needed to eat. She lost the baby last time because of a lack of nutrients to both her and the baby. So she did.

She was able to keep everything but breakfast down. She just couldn't keep down anything in the morning. But she was eating two hefty meals at other times so no was really worried about it.

She was now 8 months pregnant. She and Keefe were going on a small date. Keefe brought her into a beautiful field. There was stuff laid down for a picnic. He helped her sit down and the two ate. The meal was delicious and Sophie felt extremely happy. Once they had finished Keefe walked over to her. He helped her stand. He then knelt down in front of Sophie. She gasped.

"Sophie, when we first met I fell in love with you. You were the most beautiful and kind girl I had ever met. When the neverseen were around you fought them with all your might. You ran away because you didn't want the rest of us to get hurt. I was heartbroken the day I found that note. Three years later and your sister is hailing me telling me that you are dying. I took you into my arms and hoped with every fiber in my body that you would be okay. I've loved you to the moon and back ever since. So Sophie Elizabeth Foster, will you marry me?" Keefe said while pulling out a ring box. He then opened the ring box. Sophie gasped and launched herself into Keefe's arms. "Yes!" She yelled. Keefe smiled and hugged her back.

One month later a beautiful baby girl was born.

Sophie sat in bed relaxing. Her water then broke. As soon as Sophie realized she screamed for Keefe. Keefe slammed open the door and ran over. "What's wrong!?" He asked panicked. "My water broke." Sophie said with a soft smile on her face. After a couple hours later the baby had been born. Elwin handed her to Sophie. Sophie took the baby in her arms and held her to her chest.

Sophie was overjoyed. She now had a beautiful baby girl. "Mama!" The baby girl yelled. "Yes." Sophie said tears coming to her eyes. Keefe then came over and sat down next to Sophie. "Dada!" The baby girl said while making grabby gestures at Keefe. Sophie handed her to Keefe.

Keefe took her in his arms and stared at her. He then smiled. He then laid down next to Sophie and they both fell asleep with baby Jane in their arms. Over the next couple weeks everyone met baby Jane. She was adorable.

She was 5 months old. She was playing with Sophie and Jane just kept talking and talking. Jane had crawled by now but had never walked. She had been playing with blocks across from Sophie who was leaning against the couch. When all of a sudden she pushed herself up into her feet and slowly made her way to Sophie. "Mama!" She yelled happy. Sophie gasped at the sight of Jane walking.

Sophie stood up and scooped Jane up. Keefe then came downstairs. He looked curiously at the sight. "Mama happy because Jane walked." Jane stated happily. Keefe gasped. He walked over and hugged the both of them. It was a happy day.

Over the next couple of years Jane got older she was kinda sad because their was no kids her age but she tried to stay positive about it. Biana had taken Jane on multiple shopping trips. Jane loved Biana. She was her favorite aunt.

Linh was cool because she did a lot of water tricks. Marella could do fire tricks. Linh and Marella had started dating. The two seemed to be extremely happy. Biana had started dating Dex and Tam said he didn't need or want love. Jane loved all of her aunts and uncles but she loved Biana just a little bit more. Not that she would tell anyone that though.

Jane POV

I was sitting on Mama's lap when I heard a knock. Mama got up picking me up and went to the door. She opened the door and I saw Aunt B. I wriggled in her arms. Mama set me down. I ran to Aunt B and begged her leg. "Hello Jane. She said. She walked in and once she set down her bag she picked me up. I yawned and hugged her. Next thing I knew she was sitting down and had started talking to Mama.

They were talking about some sort of wedding. I didn't really pay attention. I fell asleep in Aunt B's arms. I woke up in my crib. It was still dark out. I levitated out of my crib something I had just learned to do my Mama didn't know yet. I then levitated out of my room and levitated over to Mama and Dada's room. I saw them bath sleeping on their bed. I levitated over and laid down in between them. I hugged onto Dada. I then fell asleep.

Keefe POV

I woke up in the morning and Jane was hugging onto me. How the heck did she get in here? I don't know. I picked her up slightly and held her in my arms. She snuggled into my chest. Sophie then yawned. "Good morning baby." I said while sitting up keeping Jane in my arms. "Good morning." She said tiredly. I then stood up and shifted Jane into one arm. Sophie then sat up.

I cupped her chin and then kissed her. She kissed back. I pulled away after a couple seconds. "I'm going to put Jane back in her crib and then I will make breakfast." I said standing back up. "Alright." Sophie said. I saw her stand up as I walked out of the room. I walked into Jane's room and went to set her down in her crib but she clung onto me. I ended up making breakfast with Jane in my arms.

Alright guys author here. The next chapter is going to be the wedding other wise known as the epilogue. Therefore this story is coming to an end. This story is doing so well, so I am quite sad to have to end it but sadly I have little to no motivation left and at this point would much rather work on some of my other stories. Farewell for now my friends. Also if you are a fan of mha check out my channel because I have many different mha stories I am working on currently.

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