Epilogue | The Night Belongs to the Moon

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The vampire realm welcomed their Lord with one of the most glorious celebrations that lasted months. There was no doubt that Jaehyun had held well in Taeyong's absence, but the Silver Throne needed its true master. And when Taeyong assumed his position as Lord again, the whole realm came to greet him but what everyone was curious about was the silver-haired girl beside him amidst it all.

Dal-ae's Banishment Order had been reversed and Taeyong met the Governor personally to thank him for the leniency he had shown her nine years ago.

'There was none,' the Governor had assured him. 'The girl had her consequences without the punishment, the banishment was just an additional retribution.'

Taeil was reinstated as a member of the Court again and he was pardoned from spending his time in the dungeons though he chose to not have his powers back.

'I don't need my powers to have strength, my Lord,' he had said, glancing over at Dal-ae.

And that's how everything settled back into its place – Taeyong beside Dal-ae and she beside him within the familiar walls of the Night Mansion.

After a few months, Dal-ae had expressed her desire to work – she wanted to open her own bookstore.

'I have some savings from when I worked in the human realm,' she had told Taeyong. 'And some business contacts too.'

Taeyong had not questioned her even for a moment. 'Where do you want to open it?' he had simply asked.

'In the town nearby,' she had said. 'I saw an empty store when we visited last time and thought it would be a good place.'

'The one on the main street, next to the florist?' he had asked. 'I think it's perfect! Let me help you, yes?'

'Hm,' she had said and kissed him on the cheek, her eyes a thin line with her bubbling glee.

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'Okay but what about the time you brought that consort who looked just like me?' Dal-ae said.

'Oh, I remember,' Jaehyun chimed in, without looking up. He was sitting on the floor, busy arranging white cue cards on the desk in front of him.

Taeyong gulped, feigning innocence. 'What?'

'I remember her,' Doyoung added, fixing his glasses in place. 'She looked just like you. And I am sure, had he known then that your hair was silver, he would have found a girl with silver hair.'

Dal-ae shot Taeyong a look.

'Baby, there is no one who can looks like you,' he said, earning another glare from Dal-ae.

'Except that girl.'

'Doyoung!' he shrieked. 'Will you please shut up.'

'Oh, remember the red-haired consort he brought?' said Jaehyun, who was now dividing the cue cards into two equal stacks.

'Oh, c'mon, I literally killed her for you,' Taeyong jumped up from the sofa, his eyebrows raised and mouth agape.

And the other three burst into laughter seeing him panic so hard at some light teasing from Dal-ae.

'I know,' she said, looking at him fondly.

'Okay, down!' Jaehyun called out from the floor, setting the two piles of the cards on either side of the table. 'It's Dal-ae and Doyoung versus you and me, Taeyong.'

'No!' Taeyong cried. 'Absolutely not. I don't want to be in your team. You suck at this.'

'What nonsense!' Jaehyun gasped. 'I won the last round.'

The Night Belongs to the Moon | TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now