5 | The Blues of a Guest

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As instructed, Dal-ae stood at the entrance of the saloon behind the main staircase with her hands clasped in front and her head bowed. As the last glow of the sun melted into the grey walls, she heard the creak of the door down the darkened hallway. Whoever it was, left no sound in their wake for all Dal-ae heard was her own breathing but she felt a heavy presence coming closer nonetheless.

After a few seconds, she heard a deep voice, 'You are the Familiar, aren't you?' and she looked up to see a tall vampire standing before her dressed in a fitted navy-blue suit with his skin pale, eye sharp and lips pursed.

'I am, uh...' she trailed off, unsure of how to address the vampire.

'Master Jaehyun,' he said, leaning closer. 'That's what you should call me.'

Dal-ae remained quiet but the roll of her eyes was apparent enough. With a finger she pushed him back in place and turned away.

'What's the matter?' he asked, teasing. 'Don't like it? Just 'Master' then?'

'I already have a Master,' she replied harshly.

'I know but I am still offering.' Jaehyun stepped forward in an attempt to corner her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, 'I take mine to bed with me.'

'Does Taeyong know that you are talking to his Familiar in this manner?' she said, rather calmly.

Jaehyun stepped back and looked at her from top to bottom, amused. 'And does Taeyong know that you address him by his name behind his back?'

'You keep my secret and I will keep yours,' Dal-ae said, sliding away. 'No, no more. I am done talking to you,' she added when she saw Jaehyun open his mouth again.

'If you will please.' She opened the door to the saloon and ushered him inside. 'Master,' she emphasized, 'will be down shortly.'

Jaehyun stepped in and closed the door shut behind him. 'Are you not scared? Alone in a room with a vampire?'

But before Dal-ae could reply, they heard a smooth voice, 'Stop harassing my Familiar, Jaehyun,' and there was no need to look to tell who it belonged to. Taeyong descended the steps into the saloon from another entrance on the right. He was dressed in the same shirt with his sleeves rolled up and his hair falling over his eyes.

Jaehyun winked at Dal-ae earning another glare from her, before stepping away. 'My Lord.' He bowed and settled himself on the opposite sofa. 'I was only playing around. Besides, she is the one who seems scary,' Jaehyun said.

'She is,' Taeyong admitted, then called out, 'Dal-ae, come here.' He gestured to his side and Dal-ae walked over to stand next to him.

'This is Jaehyun. He is an official in my Court, specifically second to me and also a friend,' Taeyong told her.

At this introduction, Jaehyun leaned back on the sofa crossing his leg over the other and waited for a courteous greeting from the Familiar but it never came. Dal-ae turned to Taeyong instead and asked, 'Master, what should I address him as?'

'Hm...' Taeyong considered. 'Since he is neither your boss, nor do you answer to him, you can call him by his name.'

'What? How can she address me by my name,' Jaehyun protested. 'You are getting reckless every second, Taeyong.'

'Please, Jaehyun. It is rude to shout like this,' Dal-ae said, with a smile too broad.

Taeyong chuckled. 'Oh, calm down,' he said to Jaehyun whose pale face was red despite being a vampire. 'And Dal-ae, stop being so cheeky.'

Just then, with a curt knock on the door, Doyoung entered the saloon. 'My Lord.' He bowed and Taeyong returned the greeting.

'Doyoung,' Jaehyun called out; his smirk had returned. 'Missed me?'

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