12 | Dal-ae is my Familiar

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In a few minutes, Doyoung escorted Senior Taeil down the steps with Mark following closely behind them. Unlike their usual cloaks, the two vampires were dressed in a casual suit and pants with Taeil wrapped in a thick overcoat.

'My Lord,' the two said in unison and bowed deeply.

Returning the greeting, Taeyong said, 'I am afraid you came too late, Senior Taeil.'

'Is the prisoner dead?'

Taeyong nodded and led the way to the interrogation cell. 'I would like you to confirm the cause.'

Solemnly, Taeil investigated the scene while the others remained outside. Mark was a bit shaken up at the news but tried his best to maintain his outward calm.

'Mark, my coat,' Taeil said, removing his overcoat and handing it to the young vampire. He then bent over the guard's lifeless body to inspect closely. The blood was slowly turning rotten the damp dungeon had taken a pungent smell.

After some time, Taeil stepped out of the cell and shook his head sighing. 'The guard was murdered, my Lord. His soul was crushed into pieces inside his body.'

The others paled at hearing these words – soul crushing was not an easy technique and required years of rigorous training to perfect.

Taeyong however remained silent for some time before turning to Doyoung, 'Ask for the cleaners to take care of the dungeon cell then join us in the upstairs meeting hall.'

'Okay, my Lord.'

'I can help,' Mark offered.

But Doyoung graciously declined, 'You are a guest in the Night Mansion. We cannot have you work. Please, follow the Lord upstairs.' He remained in the dungeon while the others followed Taeyong to the meeting hall in the East Wing.

The East Wing was the most illuminated wing in the Mansion. Designed with the purpose of entertaining guests, the ceilings were high, supported with engraved pillars on each side, and the floors were carpeted with velvet. The windows were fitted into silver frames, shrouding the grey of the Mansion with a celestial gleam. At the end of a spacious corridor was the meeting hall. It was equally palatial with dark interiors and pale embroidered curtains, and in the middle stood a long table made of ebony, on top of which hung a chandelier made of platinum.

'Please, have a seat,' Taeyong told his guests while he waited by the window for Doyoung to join them. The Head of Staff was efficient and it took him not long to knock on the door of the meeting hall and enter.

'My Lord, the cleaners have arrived and the body will be moved to the mortuary to await your instructions.'

'Thank you, Doyoung. Please, you may sit too,' replied Taeyong.

With a sigh he turned to everyone, 'As you all know that the guard was an important witness in this investigation. Yesterday, I personally interrogated him only to find out about the Aseclock Charm that he was placed under. That's why I called for you, Senior Taeil but unfortunately, it was too late.

'I hope you all understand the gravity of this. Murder of a witness is not alarming but what is concerning is that it happened inside the Night Mansion, which leaves us with two equally grave possibilities.'

He moved to the centre of the table with his hands clasped behind his back and spoke slowly, 'First, that an outsider forced entry into the Mansion, a place which has the strictest security in our realm, and murdered the guard. Or, second, that the murderer was already inside.'

At his last statement, a silent shriek rose from everyone.

'My Lord, do you mean to say that the murderer is one of the staff members? Can there be a mole or a spy?' said Jaehyun.

The Night Belongs to the Moon | TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now