1 | You Who Came Under the Moon

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After two days, the girl had woken up in a chamber painted a radiant blue, on a bed draped with thin white covers, in the mansion of the Vampire Lord known as the Night Mansion. She had been washed and changed into an elegant white dress after being treated by a doctor.

A maid in the chamber had called the Lord when she saw the girl stir. Upon arrival, Taeyong had asked the girl questions she didn't have answers to. She didn't remember her name nor where she came from. The doctor blamed it on her injuries and shock, and that there exists no cure but time. Taeyong placed a hand over her head and checked the girl himself. He confirmed that she had no memories of her past.

They searched everywhere, but it was as though the girl had not existed in this world before that night and could not find anyone who called themselves her family. Probably with nowhere to go and no one to turn to, the girl pleaded for shelter in the Night Mansion.

'Do you know what I am?' Taeyong had asked.

'A vampire,' she had replied.

'And yet you wish to stay here?'

Silence fell and she stared at him.

'Answer me when I speak to you.'

'Yes, I do wish to stay here. I don't think you'll hurt me,' she had said with a steadfast look in her eyes.

'How can you be so sure?'

'If you wanted to, you would have killed me in that alleyway that night.'

Unknowingly, Taeyong had smiled. 'Very well, then. You can stay, but on one condition – you have to serve me. No human can stay in the Night Mansion unless they are staying to serve me.'

'You want me to be a servant?' the girl had asked.

The Lord couldn't help but laugh. 'No, not as servant but as my Familiar. You will cater to my personal needs.'

She had agreed to the terms without a second thought.

'Dal-ae,' he had uttered.


'That is what your name will be. The girl who came to me under a full moon. A child of the moon, you will be called Dal-ae.'

The girl had accepted and asked, 'What should I address you as? 'My Lord' like the others say?'

'You will address me as Master,' he had replied.

𓆩 𓆪

It has been a month since Taeyong saved Dal-ae and today, after most of her injuries have been healed, was Dal-ae's first day as Taeyong's Familiar.

It was still dark outside when in the early morning hours, a silent knock sounded on Dal-ae's chamber. Fumbling out of the thick covers of her bed, she opened the door to find a man dressed in a sharp black suit despite the early hour. The man peered over his metal spectacles at her, with his lips slightly pursed.

'Clean yourself and change into these.' He handed her a folded stack of clothes. 'You have an hour to get ready before the Lord rises.'

'Where should I report in an hour?' Dal-ae asked.

'Wait here. I'll come to take you,' he said. 'And address me as Sir. I am the Head of Staff of the Night Mansion and your boss. My name is Doyoung.'

Exactly an hour later, a knock as silent as the first one prompted Dal-ae to open the door. Doyoung peered over his glasses once more, scanning her from top to bottom. She was dressed neatly in the uniform he had given her With a roll of his eyes, he stepped forward to pull the thin loose straps of the skirt over each of her shoulders. He had done it so casually that for a moment, Dal-ae stood motionless, her black eyes unblinking, but the second he was done, she stumbled backwards, a bit awkwardly.

The Night Belongs to the Moon | TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now