17 | Behind the Silver Medium

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The sleeping Mansion was completely silent when Taeyong returned to his chamber. He drew the drapes over the windows, blocking the faint morning light, and without even bothering to change his clothes, he fell on his bed in a tired slumber. When he woke up, the room glowed orange in the light of the setting sun.

Stretching out his limbs he rose, then stripped himself off for a hot bath. To his surprise, when he returned to the chamber, there was Dal-ae waiting for him with his clothes in her hands. She was wearing a thick black overcoat on top of her usual uniform. As promised, Taeyong had asked for a coat to be delivered to her room to keep her warm.

'How are you feeling?' he asked. 'Do you like the coat? Is it warm enough?

'I am fine, Master. Thank you for the coat. Are you okay?' Dal-ae asked with concern in her voice.

'Of course,' he said, sitting down at the edge of the bed. 'Could you dry my hair for me. I will dress later.'

Dal-ae quickly draped the clothes over the rack and came back with a hair dryer. With him sitting on the edge, the only way she could dry his hair was from the front. Carefully, she stepped forward maintaining some distance from him and switched on the dryer. She ran her fingers through his soft dark hair, ruffling them bit by bit.

But Taeyong was going crazy. The warmth of the dryer, the heat of her hands, the sweet fragrance of her blood, were driving him insane. He closed his eyes and leaned forward to rest his head on her torso. Dal-ae tried to step back, but Taeyong slid his hands up her thighs and sighed, 'Stay. You feel good.'

And with this, she relaxed, letting him lean into herself. 'I heard what happened,' she said after some time.

'Mhm,' he replied, his eyes still closed and his face buried in her.

'It's terrible that another witness died.'

'Nobody is dead,' Taeyong said.


'Nobody died.'

'But they told me that the cottage burned to the ground. How could he have escaped then?'

Taeyong looked up at her and switched off the dryer in her hands before whispering, 'There was no witness to die.'

'What do you mean?'

Taeyong got up from the bed and went over to the window where his clothes lay on the rack. 'There never was a witness. I made it up,' he said, putting on his shirt.

'What? But why?'

'To confirm my suspicion,' he replied and waited for Dal-ae to figure it out.

After some time, she spoke, more to herself than to Taeyong, 'The only ones who knew of the fake witness till last night were the ones present in the meeting...'

'Correct! And...?'

Dal-ae stood frozen in thought, then an instant realization dawned on her. 'You wanted to confirm if Yuta had a partner among the members of the Special Unit.'

'Correct again. Good girl,' Taeyong said, beaming at her. 'There is no doubt that Yuta is behind all of this but I had my suspicions that someone else, equally involved in the matter, is working with him to orchestrate the everything. The only ones who knew of this fake witness and the location of the cottage were the officials in the meeting. Yuta stayed with me the whole night, without any contact to outside. But the cottage still burned. So, it has to be one of them who acted on this information.'

Dal-ae remained quiet for some time as Taeyong dressed himself. There was a name she wanted to say out loud, the name of the vampire who wasn't a member of the Special Unit but had the chance to communicate with Yuta privately.

The Night Belongs to the Moon | TaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now