41 | Treachery of the Island - I

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Dawn was breaking over the horizon with the first hint of light peaking beyond the mountains in the east. Taeyong was stood in the darkness of the hall, watching the overcast sky, staring at the clouds that sailed across like waves of ocean turning from black to grey.

He had not had even a wink of sleep last night; her thoughts had kept him awake. Dal-ae was alone with the man who killed her family. She had been alone all her life, chasing after her revenge in vain when the one who started this all had been right there in front of her all this time. And now, even after she had learned of the truth, she chose not to kill Yuta because of him. He could not bear this feeling any longer. He cannot let Dal-ae face everything alone anymore.

Taeyong brushed his hair away from his face and pulled his shirt on. He secured his black cloak taut over his shoulders and made for the door but just as he was about to leave, a voice surprised him in the dark.

'You know how risky it is, right?'

A torch lighted itself in the centre with the soft snap of Taeyong's fingers revealing Doyoung standing in the other corner of the hall. His hair was out of place, falling over his glasses and his shirt was unbuttoned hanging loose over his body.

'Why are you up so early?' Taeyong asked.

'I never went to sleep.'

A pause, then Taeyong asked, 'Are you going to stop me?'

'Who can stop the Vampire Lord.'

Taeyong couldn't help but laugh a little but when he spoke his tone was serious. 'I have to go.'

Doyoung knew that. He knew it very well but Taeyong cannot be seen, neither by Yuta nor the Neutral Force, not until Yuta is caught.

'This is not your battle,' Doyoung said, stepping into the light. 'It's hers and you can't fight it for her. Yuta is much more of an enemy to Dal-ae than to you, Taeyong. Besides, by showing up there you are not only putting yourself at risk but also her. If you are seen and captured by the Neutral Force, do you think Yuta will leave her alive?'

'I know that, okay?' Taeyong cried, his voice echoing through hall. 'I know all of that, Doyoung. But I can't leave her alone. I know I can't fight her fight for her and I shouldn't but I want to stand by her when she does. How can I sit and do nothing when she is all alone with that man?!'

The sky behind him had turned grey and so had the hall. For a moment Doyoung did not speak. Then, he took off his glasses, wiped them with his shirt and put them back on his nose again.

'Fine,' he said with a sigh. 'Fine, but we will go together. You can stay hidden and I can handle things.'


'I can't very well let my friend face everything alone too, right?'

'Doyoung...' Taeyong sighed again, but this time more fondly. 'This is the first time you have called me your friend.'

Doyoung rolled his eyes. 'Shut up. I just don't want you to die. I can't spend the rest of eternity in a dungeon cell or worse, at Yuta's mansion.'

Taeyong chuckled. 'It's not that bad actually. Yuta's mansion. I have heard he even has his own private lake in the back. You and Jaehyun can go for a swim every morning.'

Doyoung went red in the face, then made a retching sound, all while draping his own cloak over his now buttoned up shirt, and after putting his shoes on, off the two went.

𓆩 𓆪

The Prison of the Neutral Force was located on a small rocky island in the middle of a violent ocean. It was built to be the most secure facility in the realm; it had to be because while most of the times, the Neutral Force kept petty criminals, there were times in history when Vampire Lords have spent nights in the prison cells too, and to keep the most powerful vampires imprisoned was not an easy job.

With a swoosh of a cloak, Dal-ae and Yuta landed on the backside of the island, barely finding their footing on the damp rugged surface of the sharp black rocks that made up the island. The air was heavy with the smell of salt emanating from the vast grey sea around them that stretched beyond measure, merging into the grim sky at the horizon. In a quick motion, the two climbed up onto a small clearing away from the crashing waves that were about to hit them with the full force of the ocean.

Yuta grimaced, stamping his boots against the hard ground to get rid of the water trapped in them while Dal-ae stood watching, tying her silver hair before pulling the hood of her black cloak over her head.

'We will have to walk the rest of the way,' he said. 'A charm will leave traces here and we cannot risk getting detected.'

Dal-ae nodded silently and looked around the clearing studying the island. Last night, after the Neutrals had received the intel, they sent a raven to her with the plan including the route that would lead directly to the prison cell of the two vampires.

'We can take that way,' she said, pointing towards a steep rock with narrow crevices made for steps. 'What?' she asked, when she saw Yuta staring at her, unmoving.

'Sometimes I forget how much you have grown up,' he said. 'You use a ribbon to tie your hair now.'

Dal-ae stared at him.

'You used to use that long silver hair pin back then,' he said. 'Why'd you stop?'

'I don't need it anymore,' she said, never breaking eye contact. 'The vampires in your mansion liked to touch me. That pin used to come in handy back then.'

'They did?' Yuta asked, and for the first time, Dal-ae saw an actual emotion behind those eyes of his. 'I never knew. Why didn't you tell me?'

'It's not like you were any better,' she said, evenly and turned towards the path. 'Walk. You are wasting time.'

Yuta stayed in place for a moment before following Dal-ae.

'I would have never forced myself upon you,' he said after some time. 'I raised you and I know of my own cruelty but I would have never–'

'I know,' she said, firmly, then a little quieter, 'I know that.

'Do you want to come back to my mansion after this is over?' he asked and waited as another wave crashed below them, the smell of salt water wafting around them anew.

'No,' she said. 'Today is the last time we see each other, Yuta.'

'Are you mad at me?' he asked but she did not reply.

'Do you like being called Dal-ae?' he scoffed. 'Are you mad that I never gave you a name? Ah, but then again, even after he gave you one, you killed him. Tragic, don't you think? His end.'

The gleam of this sadistic triumph was clear in his eyes and if Dal-ae had turned around in that moment, she surely would have stabbed his heart right then and there before throwing his body into the grey sea.

'He loved you and you killed him, Dal-ae,' he said. 'It was ruthless and I am so proud. Yesterday was proof that you were raised by me.'

Dal-ae stopped. She took a breath before looking back at him and said quietly, 'I have no mercy in my heart for a murderer. Thank you for raising me the way that you did. I will never forget it.'

Yuta scoffed, shrugging away whatever emotion rose inside him. He turned his head towards the gloomy sky. 'I hope it rains today.'

Dal-ae turned her gaze upwards too at the overcast sky, then down at him again. 'It will,' she said. 'It's time for the rain to wash away the snow.'


Triple update this week, guys! Part 2 of this chapter will be released tomorrow at 2 PM KST.

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