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Rosé Pov.

I drive to home after sending Irene unnie with Seulgi. I know that midget is really a savage one, but i think Seulgi can handle that tiger.

I looked at Jisoo, who is sleeping but murmuring something incoherently. I chuckled seeing her state, she looks really cute.

I parked my car on the porch and went out from the car and opened the door to wake her up, i tried to wake her up but she didn't. I rolled my eyes and took her in bridal style.

"You're really heavy, my wife." I tried so hard to open the front door and make it after some time, i sighed seeing the upstairs and i looked at her, who is sleeping peacefully hugging my neck.

"You have to pay me for this, kid." I said, she hummed in her sleep, i chuckled and place her on the bed carefully. I removed her shoes and covered her with a comforter, then i went to my room.

I took a shower and layed on my bed, i sighed when Irene unnie's face came in my mind. I'm not gonna think too much about Jennie, it's not right, that chapter is closed already. But i'm going to loss my strength when Irene unnie gone.

"I'm gonna miss you Unnie."

Next Day

No One Pov.

Rosé is having a dark mood since the sun rises. Jisoo wondered why she is so gloomy today. Today is Irene going to New Zealand. Rosé decided to drop her on the airport before going to college. Jisoo also tagged with her, Jisoo doesn't like to use bus or cab ti travel.

On the way to airport the two best friends didn't talk to each other, an awkwardness surrounded them, even Jisoo feels it. Rosé parked her car on the airport parking lot and went out to took the luggage.

"Jisoo" Irene called her, Jisoo looked at Rosé then to her.

"Huh?" Irene held her hands in hers and looked at Rosé for a second whose behind the car taking the bags.

"I know you two don't like each other that much but Jisoo she is a pure girl, that coldness and rudeness is just a cover up. When you know her more you will understand it." Jisoo stoof there silent, so Irene continued.

"I know her since she born, i know how much trouble and grief she has gone through." She took a deep breath and tighten her grip on Jisoo's hands.

"I have no one else to tell this to. Please take care of her and please don't let her feel alone. I won't say that you should love her, but please try to be a good friend to her. That's what she needs right now, a friend she can open up to." Jisoo nodded at Irene, who just smiled at her painfully.

Rosé came beside them, her face is still dark, so Irene cupped her cheeks.

"Don't be like this, Chipmunk, how can i go seeing you like this?" Without noticing Jisoo is still there, Rosé's tears betrayed her. She embraced Irene into a tight hug. Irene hugged her back and hide her tears from Rosé but Jisoo noticed it.

The bonding between them amazed Jisoo, she never felt this much bonding towards any of her friends and she felt a little jealousy.

They released the hug and Irene wiped Rosé's tears and kissed her forehead.

"Please take care of your self, baby Chipmunk." Irene teased her, Chaeyoung chuckled while sobbing, she wiped her tears and kissed her forehead too.

"Please comeback fast, i need you here with me, or else i will come there." She said and hugged her again and said goodbye to her.

Irene went inside, she never glanced back, she know if she look at Rosé's eyes once again she can't go.

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