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No One Pov.

Chaeyoung went to her home after her class...or more to say, it's a huge mansion. Her father Mason Park, he is one of the most powerful businessman in the world. He is really a cold hearted and stubborn man. He doesn't like anyone disobeying him.

Chaeyoung don't like him that much, because he never loved or consider her like a father do and he always harasses her mother. She has a elder sister Alice Park, who have the same behavior as her father. She wants to be the next CEO of Park Industries, because of that she always try to impress her father.

Alice really love her mother and sister but to impress her father, she always fake her personality infront of them. Chaeyoung don't like that and she always fight with her sister because of that. They were not like that before. In their childhood they had a strong bond between them and they were always together for everything. Alice still love her sister like before, but now she needs to show her father that she's capable to be the next CEO and she's not a weak girl.

Chaeyoung really want to leave this house and live alone, but she's too worried about her mother. She is so afraid to leave her in this hell alone, because she love her mother more than anything else in this world. Chaeyoung's father wants her to help him in his business, but she refuses and becomes a professor, that was her dream.

Chaeyoung's mother Clare Park is a sweet and lovely person. If Chaeyoung talks sweetly to anyone in the house, it's only her mother. She is ready to do anything for her mom.

Chaeyoung walked into the house with a bright smile, when she came in she saw her mom arranging the dining table. With a mischievous smile she ran to her mom and hugged her from behind.

"Mom." Clare got startled first, but when she realized that it was her beloved daughter, she turned to her with a smile.

Despite her tired body and pale face, the affection for her daughter was evident in her eyes. She cupped her daughter's cheeks.

"My baby chipmunk looks so happy today. How's the first day, Ms. Park?" She asked with a chuckle, Chaeyoung pouted and kissed her mother cheek.

"Mom...How many times i told you to don't call me like that. And... Yep.. It was a wonderful day. I want to tell you something, so come with me.." She said excitedly and without second she dragged her mom to upstairs and straight to her bedroom.

She opened her balcony door and sat her mom in a small chair there and she sat on the floor leaning her back on her mom's legs and stared at the sunset. She massaged Chaeyoung's head with a small smile and also stared at the beautiful view infront of them.

This is how Chaeyoung always opens up to her mother. She always share everything to her mom whether it is happy or sad. This is her safe heaven.

"Mom." She closed her eyes when she felt her mom's fingers in the scalp, her mom hummed.

"I saw her." She said like a whisper, still closed eyes. Jennie's beautiful smiling face flashed in her heart.


"My love." She smiled, mom stopped massaging her head and looked at Chaeyoung with a bright smile.

"Really? So what's my future daughter-in-law's name?" She chuckled and shook her head lightly.

"Jennie Kim.." She told her mom everything that happened that day. This is their daily routine. They talked for a long time, opening their minds to eachother.
Next Day

Rosé Pov.

Today i woke up more refreshed than usual. The reason for that is none other than Jennie Kim. Now my days starting with thinking about her. I got ready and went downstairs with a smile.

Destiny (Chaesoo)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora